Aunt Camille

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• Camille Malfoy •

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• Camille Malfoy •

"End is just another word
for beginning."

At first Camille thought she had misheard. Had she missed something? She felt as if she had flipped from the beginning to the end of a book. She hadn't even known that Emma had apparently started a love affair with someone.

"By whom?" she finally brought out the question that was burning on her tongue the most. Emma lowered her gaze to the bottomless pit. Camille began to narrow her turquoise eyes and would have preferred to shake her friend at that moment. "By whom, Emma?"

She took a deep breath, still avoiding her gaze. This couldn't be good at all. "Sirius," she finally blurted out. Indeed. That was not good at all.

Camille's mouth dropped open and, without a sound, all she could manage was a "What?" Emma burst into tears and Camille began to feel overwhelmed. She was torn. Part of her wanted to tell her that it was her own damn fault for getting involved with this idiot and another just felt sorry for her. The latter eventually prevailed. In the end, she was her friend after all, who had already been through enough in the last few weeks.

Taking a deep breath, she reached for Emma's trembling hand that rested in her lap. "When exactly was... did you... you know."

"T-Tuesday," she sobbed. Camille was about to withdraw her hand. "Emma," she began quietly, but she had to restrain herself from rebuking her friend properly. "That was a few days ago. What makes you so sure you're pregnant?"

With an unattractive sound, the dark-haired girl wrinkled her nose. "My period would have been due on Wednesday."

"Don't you think you're jumping to conclusions a bit?" asked Camille more crudely than intended, letting go of her hand and rising. She simply couldn't believe how naïve Emma was. While she knew that the majority of girls at Hogwarts didn't care, to her it was a shame to lose one's virginity before marriage or at least engagement. An even greater shame was an illegitimate child that resulted. "What were you thinking anyway, sleeping with that idiot and without protection?"

"I simply forgot!", Emma justified herself, blubbering. In fact, Camille's sympathy was in check at this point. "Forgot?" the blonde snorted dismissively. How on earth could anyone forget something like that? Yes, she was her friend and probably needed all the support she could get right now, but she certainly needed some good advice as well.

Camille suddenly felt like her mother. Strict and hard. But without her, she would never be the way she was now. Still, she knew her mother loved her and only meant well. Just like she did at that moment. Shaking her head, she walked up and down the round green carpet, which swallowed her footsteps whole. Emma looked down at her intertwined hands with a tear-blurred gaze. Then she wrestled a mirthless smile from herself. "Look on the bright side. If you and Regulus are serious, then maybe you'll be an aunt."

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