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• Regulus Black •

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• Regulus Black •

„In the end,
we will remember not
the words of our enemies,
but the silence of our friends."

It was probably one of the last beautiful days of the year, which was why even the Slytherins didn't miss the opportunity to end the day at the Great Lake. Regulus leaned with his back against a wide oak tree, whose thick branches and still dense canopy provided him with pleasant shade. He didn't even want to risk a sunburn if this was to be the last sunny day of his life. If he was honest, he preferred the cool temperatures of winter anyway.

Next to him squatted Evan, who stuck his nose into a strangely bound book. Regulus suspected that it might have come from the forbidden section. A cursory glance over his friend's shoulders was to confirm it. It was foolish of Evan to read this in broad daylight in the middle of the Hogwarts grounds, but the dark-haired Slytherin had never cared much about such things. However, the Slytherin was smart enough not to use the numerous black magic curses he read about in public. At least not for the time being.

Regulus, too, had already read such books and if he was honest, the dark arts fascinated him more than he would admit. He did not know why he did not like to confess to it, after all it was expected of him, no, demanded of him.

Even if in some aspects he felt a rejection towards the Dark Lord, whom his family and so many other wizards followed unconditionally, he was also fascinated by him. The inexhaustible power and the self-confident skill to gather such a number of followers around him aroused a dark desire in the young Black. It was the desire to prove himself and to outshine his older brother once and for all. For the latter, despite his behaviour, still received the almost full attention of his parents, who probably still wished to convert him as heir. A train that had long since sailed, Regulus thought.

"What are you brooding about again?" asked Alaric, who had stepped unnoticed next to his friend and joined the two in the shadows. The scattered freckles on his nose were more visible than ever and the broad grin on his lips also revealed that he seemed to be enjoying the last real rays of sunshine of the year.

"About life after school," Regulus sighed and began to pluck the dry blades of grass from the even drier ground, a little frustrated. "Or about what happens to us when we turn seventeen."

"That'll be another year, Reg," he remarked with amusement, taking a seat beside him under the tree as well. Evan, meanwhile, looked up from his reading. Regulus knew that he was already eager to finally come of age and enter the service of the Dark Lord. As the book in his lap proved, he had always been quite curious about the Dark Arts and had not infrequently eavesdropped on the conversations of older Slytherins.

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