A scary admission

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• Camille Malfoy •

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• Camille Malfoy •

„Please give away the end.
Tell me it's us."

Camille had spent a nice Christmas with her family. At least this one was no different from all the years before. Quite the opposite of Regulus'. The latest news had quickly made the rounds, especially in the circles of her aunts and cousins, for whom something like this was what they were waiting for to tear their mouths apart.

The third person who had turned his back on the Black family in recent decades. It wasn't that Camille was surprised that Sirius had done the same to his uncle Alphard and cousin Andromeda. But she had expected him to take this path only after he had graduated from school. If not for himself, then for Regulus. How wrong she had apparently been.

The blonde could only speculate how her school friend must be feeling now. But the pain she imagined hit her equally. Regulus' deeply disappointed face, which she thought she saw in her mind's eye, made her heart bleed.

It was the morning of the wedding and Camille had only overheard a conversation between her parents the night before about not letting this part of the Black family be part of the celebrations. Because according to them, it was not such a good start to a marriage to have such controversial guests and thus get the rumour mill bubbling.

But of course it was hardly customary to invite half of the bride's family and so this idea remained merely an idea of goodwill. Even at the breakfast table, the subject was treated as if it were the only important one on this big day.

"It was just a matter of time," Camille's grandmother interjected, shaking her head and contorting her face so that her existing wrinkles deepened. She had once been beautiful and had captivated everyone around her with her beauty. Now it was only her turquoise eyes that stood out like the pearl of the sea because of her radiating life experience. But all her magic seemed to fizzle out as soon as she joined in one of her famous diatribes, as she was doing at that moment. "It's a wonder Walburga hasn't intervened by now. She practically gave Sirius a free pass for his behaviour."

"I think we should leave the subject alone for now," her daughter sighed, trying to lighten the mood a little with a faint smile to the round of the table. "After all, a wedding is an occasion for joy, not a place for such dark conversations."

"I quite agree, Ophelia," her father agreed before turning his attention to his granddaughter. "Camille, when will it be time for you? After all, I won't live forever and I wouldn't want to miss your big day. Tell me, who do you have your eye on? One talk with the parents and the boy is yours."

Camille's grandfather let out a throaty laugh from the depths of his lungs and she herself had to grin a little. This passed her by, however, when she had not the slightest idea what to say in reply. The truth was out of the question, at least for the time being, until things calmed down. She hoped it would. The blonde forced herself to smile a sugary sweet and innocent smile that she hoped would make her lie indistinguishable from the truth. "There's no one."

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