28 - Mona pov😱??

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That day she was rejected, stuck to Mona's mind, she couldn't believe it i mean like- seriously? Who could reject her?

"Ugh! That brat- he even dare talk to me like im some dirt!! He doesn't know how many men are chasing after This!" Mona said pointing to herself as her other hand held the phone

"Well- maybe he just didn't get a good look on you-" "no way!! Mona your worth gold!!! Don't let some guy bring you down!" A sweet voice said while getting cut off by another voice, that sounds cheerful

"Right!?? Ugghh!! I just wanna barge into his house and show him what he's missINGG!!!!" Mona said, looks like she was pretty irritated by the blind date..

"You go!! Ugh! He didn't have the audacity to say THAT to you!! Uuuaaagghhh" The cheerful voice said clearly irritated

"Now- let's not get ahead of ourselves, maybe he just needed time, i mean you did say he was a CEO right Mona?" The sweet voice said

"Ugh, yeah he is.. but he really needs to fix that attitude of his!!" Mona said

"Sigh, he's kinda scary tho, i once barged into his office but seeing that expression on him Reaaalllyy made me look dumb Ugh he even-!"

Just as Mona was about to say more, she heard a knock on the other end of the call, then a voice spoke

"Im really sorry Amber but me and Barbara are gonna have some company over tonight, are you still up for the sleepover?" The voice said

"Whaaatt? I mean i guess, could me and Barbara just stay here??" The so called Amber said

"I'll explain to the relatives pleasee!!" Barbara said

"Sigh, fine fine alright" The voice said

"Hold on, i think i might be able to join you guys if i finish my chores early" Mona said

"Yaayyyy!!!!" Amber shouted in the backround

"That's great Mona!! Stay safe over there!!" Barbara said

"Alright, I'll get going now" Mona said

"Before you hang up Mona, i think i you should take the guy calmly, you really never know what he's going through" Barbara said

"...Alright, thanks for listening to me ramble again" Moan said

Mona ended the call and decided that she wanna join her friends on the sleepover they were having

Mona made it to the sleepover
At Barbara's house

"Monaa!!!!" Amber said, her arms spread wide

"Amberr!!" Mona said slightly hugging Amber with the bag on her shoulder

"It's nice that you made it Mona!" Barbara said, Walking up to the two

"It's nice being here and being away from my horrible roommate" Mona said placing her hands on her hips, but her bag fell so she just took the strap of it in her hands

"Ah! Let me get that for you!" Barbara said, offering to help get Mona's bag in her room

"Ah, no no no! I can't have you underestimating me now huh?" Mona said letting out a little chuckle "i should help myself since i decided i wanna do this alright?" She continued walking to Barbara's room and setting her bag in her bed

"Sooo, what relatives are we talking about huhhh?" Amber said getting closer to Barbara

"Ahh nothing really.. just some uncles and aunts, you know?" Barbara said walking to Mona with Amber following her

he's my type | | Scaramouche x Fem!Reader Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon