03 - Family Dinner

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|Scaramouche pov|

As Scaramouche got in his car, he immediately got a message from someone.

[ Purple mom ]
Active now

Are you coming for dinner?
Seen 7:02

Seen 7:03

Your aunt Beidou, Ningguang, Jean and Lisa are also attending, i hope you don't mind
Seen 7:03

I won't don't worry
Seen 7:03

You can invite Kazuha or Tomo or maybe any of your friends so you can hang out with them too
Seen 7:04

Sure, I'll text Kazuha and Tomo
Seen 7:04

His relationship with his mom is pretty distant, but that's all because he has work and his mom too, but there still pretty in touch with each other.

After that he went to go text Kazuha to see if he's free.

Active 1 hour ago

Hey Kazuha, are you and Tomo free tonight?
Seen 7:05

Ah, im not at the moment, i do not know about Tomo though. May i ask why?
Seen 7:07

Mom and i are having family dinner with some of her friends, she asked me if i wanted to invite you guys to.
Seen 7:08

Well im so sorry i can't come, you may ask Tomo if he is free though
Seen 7:08

Nah it's fine.
Seen 7:08

He started his car as he took a last look at mona with a disgusted face. Mona was looking at him all the time ever since she got out the restaurant.. Childe made a bad decision pairing them up..

He got to his mom's house not too long since the restaurant was pretty close, (there in liyue btw) the house had glass walls and wide black stips covering some parts of the house.

As Scaramouche was about to reach for the door handle someone shouted his name "EY SCARA!" as he heard that he turned his head to the direction of the voice and viewed a car with two girl with both windows down and one girl's half body outside the car by the window, the other girl leaning her left arm out the window.

"aunt." he said in a quiet tone, as the car door opened a girl with brown and red-ish hair stepped out as the other girl with white hair turned down the engine

As the girl with brown hair runned up to him the other girl got out the car, the brown haired girl pulled him on a tight while saying "ahh! Buddy you've grown so big!" the girl said

"now, now, you might squeeze him too tight, the poor boy looks like he's about to pass out" she chuckled "there you go buddy, now Where's Ei?" she said as she let go of him "i believe she's inside with Yae" he said

"alright then, let's go!" the brown haired girl said opening the door, as they got inside they were immediately greeted with Ei and Yae preparing the table

Yae cooked since... As Ei prepared the plates and utensils, "Ei! Long time no see girl!" the brown haired girl said

"it's so nice to see you two again Beidou and Ningguang" Ei said "it's nice to see you too" Ningguang said "oh wait, didn't we bring them a gift babe?" Beidou said looking back at Ningguang "oh yeah! Mind fetching it for us scara?" Ningguang asked "sure" he said walking out the door back to there car

As he opened the back door to there car he was greeted with a note attached to a basket, "baked goods from mom! - Y/n"
He stared at the note just like how he stared at you.. Shocked yet happy "what..?" he thought "Y/n? How-.."

To be continued..

          - Scaradoodle-doo

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