11 - Intense Staring Contest

502 24 13

You declined and texted him instead


[ Hezuzu ]

You declined a call request from Hezuzu !

Sorrie hei i can't wait rn:((

Whuy, what's up?

Can't tell ya


Should i he concerned?


He'll be angry if i text you longer bye👋



You turned off your phone for two reasons one. Scaramouche is angry two. The car is going faster

"uhm- where are we going again..?" you said trying to lighten up the mood

"to your house." he said with clear angriness

That was actually an honest question, you just got in his car then he started driving😭

"unless you want me to drop you off somewhere like.. Heizou's house?" he said looking at you then looking back at the road

"n-nah, he can live without me" you said nervous of his answer

"yeah, but i can't" he whispered

You were thinkibg whether to ask "what was that?" or if your even allowed to💀 you just stuck to the first option

"hm? What was that?" you said tilting ur head

"i said i wanna meet ur dog" he said

"REALLY!??" you said shouting a little bit

"y-yeah.." he said

"fuck why did i say that" he thought

"oh, my, gosh, He will be so lucky to meet such a handsome man~" you said swaying with both ur hands in a cross position holding onto ur shoulders and stopping right after you realised what you said



"i.. Mean-" you said but Scaramouche cutted you off

"that's what you think of me Y/n?" he said parking on a random parking spot and looking at you smirking

He looks a little bit too happy about this..

"i didn't mean that in a weird way i swear" you not moving an inch except for your mouth

"yeah.. Of course you didn't" he said still smirking but slowly looking down at your lips

He then moved his head back to the road and started driving

"fuck n/n, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT??" you said mentally bitch slapping yourself

"huh.. Oh Y/n.. You make me so crazy over a simple compliment.." he thought, tho he could go crazier- 😐😐 i said nothing man.

Some time later you both arrived at your beloved house where Scaramouche's bedroom is literally better

"ahh.. Oh my!" you said realising something and looking over at Scaramouche as if he's reading ur mind. He just raised his eyebrow on you

"what?" he said, he's really way calmer now than before

"Biscuit haven't eat yet!" you said rushing to get your keys and open the door where a brown ish dog runned up to you

His tail was waving ang everything he even jumped on you

He was the happiest dog until he saw

The dog literally stopped moving ang everything

You backed at a Scaramouche and saw they both were a having an Intense Staring Contest but Scaramouche has a resting bitch face on

To be continued..

- Scaradoodle-doo



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