02 - Blind Date

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|Scaramouche pov|

There, sat Scaramouche in a chair looking at the menu at this fancy fancy restaurant with a beauty across the table.

"i do not know why or how i got here" Scaramouche thought to himself, Childe was just talking about how he bumped into this girl and then he decided to set up a blind date for them because he might like her. MIGHT

Scaramouche let out a sigh as the girl lowered her menu,

"something wrong?" the girl spoke up

"no just. sigh.. what's your name" (he tried his hardest to make that sound nice) he said in a pretty demanding tone

"uh- Mona" mona said, "well Mona, how about we settle this blind date huh?" Scaramouche said

"huh?" Mona said clearly confused "look, i don't have an interest in you and my friend just setted me up. So if you don't mind i'll take my leave now." Scaramouche said while putting down his menu and taking his jacket from his chair, the girl was shoked for some reason i guess She had an interest in him.

He quickly left the restaurant as murder filled his mind, (Childe) he was so occupied by killing him that he bumped into someone, the both were in a hurry so the girl was already pass him as she turned and bowed and said "im so sorry! i was in a hurry" the girl said as she lifted her up her head and both her arm holding her wallet up her chest.

Scaramouche just starred at her. Not like a death stare but.. A different.. Kind of stare, the girl blinked a few times as she calmed herself down, she eventually tilted her head in confusion, by this action Scaramouche realized he was staring for too long and decided to speak up first

"is you're name perhaps y/n?" the girl widened her eyes a little bit because that was her name.

"um, yes do i know you?" Scaramouche's eyes widened at the confirmation "y/n it's me! Scaramouche!" He said clearly excited by.. Your existence..

".. Uh..?" you tilted your head more, Scaramouche raised an eyebrow "you don't remember me?" he said disappointed "well, no.." you said "Scaramouche, from grade 1 to 6" he said desperately wishing for you to remember him "uhm that's kinda a long time ago, and i do still have friends from grade 1..or 2 or maybe 3" you said "sigh, well can i at least get your number?" he asked, this was genuinely the first time i've seen Scaramouche not grumpy since.. Uh.. that girl moved to a different town, what was her name again?

"um, sure! Im actually in a hurry right now, i'll just call you if i remember anything!" you said quickly pulling out your phone from your bag that had golden chains attached to it to your shoulder, "here!" you gave your phone to Scaramouche, he already had his phone out so he took it and quickly saved your number, after he did, he gave back your phone to you "bye-!" you said running away but bumping into some girl leaving the restaurant.

Turns out that girl was mona, they (Scaramouche and Mona) made eye contact for a second (lol) as Scaramouche turned and started to walk over to his car.

To be continued..

- Scaradoodle-doo

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