25 - conversation(s)

302 13 7

"huh .. maybe she just has to go" You said

It just got dark and you both here in his room talking about the past and present- whatever came to mind

You were sitting legs crossed and Astroid laying in your lap purring while you pet it till it sleeps, and he was laying down on his hed but not fully to drink his juice in a box with a straw (like this 🧃)

"To go where?"

"The bathroom."


"Hehe whaat?" (Not hihi please stop it's a laugh)

"That wasn't funny" He said as he turned his head in the window cracking up a little smile

"You never laugh at my jokes- actually! You did one tim-" You leaned in to tease him but he placed his hand on your mouth to stop you

"We don't talk about that alright? Ugh .." He said as he let go of you, you were giggling

"Hey let's talk about something funny now!" You suggested

".. i remember that time Heizou first appeared in our little story"

"I said funny but this'll do"

"Hehe, why? What's wrong with it? Didn't you say memories are the best part about doing something?"

"Well- Some memories but not all of them! Hah.." You took Astroid in your arms and layed down beside Scaramouche

"Y/n~ Look it's Heizou!" Teen Hu Tao teased

"Hu Taoo, i already told you he's just a friend of mine back in the days.." You defended

Some misunderstanding happen and now Hu Tao was convinced you liked Heizou, while Scaramouche sat beside you eating peacefully, the mention of his name in the same sentence with yours irritated him.

"Okayyy i don't think that's how childhood friends should act towards each other tho" Hu Tao said

"He's just like that you know? Flirty." You said

"Don't push it Hu Tao, listen to what she said." Scaramouche said defending you

"See Kuni gets it!" You said Placing a hand on your hip and giving Hu tao a proud glance that you had people to defend you

"Alright alright, not gonna lie I'll actually want a flirtly girlfriend~" Hu Tao said day dreaming

"Yeah okay, if anything i see you more as a single main character" you said, but really she looked like she'll be one

"Being a main character is also kinda cool .. but if you have to ask me I'll say the main character right now is probably Lumine or Aether, you get me?" Hu tao said, she wasn't wrong or anything Lumine do look like a main character

"Oh my gosh yeah!! She's the definition of main character! Kind, helpful, pretty~, and not to mention she defended me once from that one fatui member Arlecchino!! Eeekk what a hero!" You said remembering her heroic deed of risking her own safety too just for you

The mention of his acquaintance made him avert his attention to what you both were talking about, "she what?" Scaramouche said

"She saved me!" you said

"No, what did Arlecchino Did." He said

"Eh.. " i say while me and Hu tao both look at each other

"I remember.. Arlecchino once tried to hurt you didn't she? And that Lumine girl saved you .." Scaramouche said remembering the time he actually had a 1 v 1 talk with Arlecchino (wait i actually don't know if that's what her name is spelt)

"No but she didn't! Well really you should thank Lumine if your still thinking about it .." you said

"I already did, she said it was nothing and friends should look after each other" Scaramouche admitted

"Wait .. YOU THANKED HER!!?$?&??&2?1?" You said forgetting Astroid and placing your hands on his bed supporting you on leaning on him

"Yeah?" He said


"No.. don't.. please" he said

"Your so cute!!! That's the first I've heard you thanked someone!!!" You said picking up Astroid again to hug her, the cat didn't seem to mind the fact you woke her up from her sleep just to cuddle with her again tho

You laid down with Astroid getting comfy, Scaramouche placed his juice box away and laid down beside you looking at the scene in front of him

"I think I'll doze off now .." You said

"Mhm" Scaramouche hummed, he liked this.. seeing you hug his cat that he actually bought to represent you was so cute for him

"A cutie indeed" He thought

He also slowly closed his eyes and turned his body so he was fully facing the you and the sleeping cat

..This scene looked okay, there's just something missing that prevents it from being perfect, the fact he's not the one your cuddling

What a loss indeed..😞

To he continued..



The fact the moment i saw my book in this one reading list i was looking into i immediately went to finish this chapter😍

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