27 - Problem!

283 12 5

So turns out your doorknob was broken and let's just say Scaramouche left and when he did you three tried your best on closing the damn door and well, you ended up breaking the door too😍

You sat next to your door holding into the only standing piece left..

"Ugh, what am i supposed to do now!?? I can't leave my house like this!" You said, seems like that sleepover isn't gonna be happening

"I doubt you have any screwdriver stuff like that here, do you even keep such stuff?" Hu tao said

"To be honest i feel like y/n's the type to have a basement but have literally nothing in there" Yoimiya said

"Okay in my defense" you said turning to look at the blonde, you guys probably look stupid right now, sitting in front of your door that's open

Some kids playing and running gave some glances at you guys, some couples, teens, all kinds of people you see that would be walking at this time of the day

"Put a cabinet in there or something" Hu tao said "we'll get Yanfei to back you up if someone ever did try to get in!" Hu tao continued

"Install a camera or something! Or pack your stuff and move in with me!!" Yoimiya said

"Thank you guys but it's not that easy for me to leave my house like that you know?" You said, it really wasn't.

"Well your gonna have to replace that door one way or another no?" Yoimiya said

"Ugh, how weak did your door even get? I still remember that i used to slam that door when i visit" Hu tao said placing her hands on her hips as she try to recall

"Maybe that's why it's broken right now" you said

"HahahahaHAHA..! Oh gosh i remembered something" Yoimiya laughed

"Why don't you be a good friend and look for a nail and a screwdriver Yoi?" Hu tao said listing the things in her fingers

"Hehe~ alrighty" Yoimiya said getting up from the couch and walking up the stairs

"Hmmhhmmhhmmh, i wanna key ems" you said

"It's fine n/n just hang in there" Hu tao said crouching down to place a hand on your shoulder

"This has never happened to me! What am i supposed to do????!;;?!?;??!?!" You said

"Man idk call a plumber or something" Hu tao said

"PLUMBER???!!??" You said slightly high so people won't think your crazy ass is actually calling for a plumber

"Man i don't know!! Call your dad i don't know!??" Hu tao said

It seemed like Yoimiya was long gone since you guys continued discussing what to do in an arguing manner

Yoimiya pov

"What the heck!? Does she actually keep a dog bowl in her room or did someone actually break in her house!!?!" Yoimiya said

She walked around your room and stood in front of your door of a closet, you guys know the ones that's thin but rlly long? And with like places to store your shoes in the bottom

She opened it and immediately spotted a box that looked like a tool box that also looks like a toy tool box, she took it out and opened it

Her eyes widened with what she saw, she took a hold of a photo with a baby y/n and a kid with indigo hair, on of your amr wrapped around the boy with a silly grin in your face, the boy honestly looked like he didn't wanna be there

Her face clearly showed that she was touched by the photo, she placed a hand on her chest and once she moved the photo out of her line of view, she saw more pictures laid out unevenly, scattered throughout the small box

The second photo showed you and Scaramouche sitting in a checkered pattern floor with different colors, it looked like you both were playing with building blocks, and you had posed in a peace sign and held it up your face with another grin, Scaramouche just looked at the camera and looked like he had only realised he was being photo-ed last minute

The third photo showed you on top of a slide with Scaramouche on the bottom holding his arms out to catch you, it looked like you guys were younger here than the other photos as you both looked chubbier and cutter and smaller

The fourth photo showed you and Scaramouche sitting on a bench holding ice creams in your hands, it looked like you were talking while Scaramouche was licking his ice cream, oh the good old days

You both looked a little older on the fifth photo, you both were beside each other with you having a big smile on your face and holding onto the strap of your bag that hug on your back, Scaramouche stood there looking at the camera emotionlessly

The sixth photo had scribbles on it, and you didn't have to be a genius to find out who wrote what, you both held out a doll in the camera with both your hands, you held out a doll that looked like Scaramouche, just a little messier, Scaramouche held out a doll with brown hair and white clothes, purple strip in the waist (the doll in his teaser)

There were scribbles in your part of the photo with an arrow pointing at the doll with the word that said "Scara!" With a smiley face at the start of the photo, the scribble on Scaramouche's side was the word "y/n made me as a doll" his writing seemed cleaner than yours but yours seemed cuter

Yoimiya didn't bother to look at the seventh photo and immediately went downstairs shouting


The two of you both looked where the noise was coming and saw Yoimiya almost tripping herself on the stairs

"You better slow down or you'll look more broken than y/n's door" Hu tao said standing up and placing her hand on her hips

"Hey!" You said

"Look!!" Yoimiya said holding out the toy looking tool box, Hu tao was the first to take a look inside since she was already standing and you didn't really feel like standing up so you closed the door and leaned on it as you sat

"WHAT!!" Hu tao shouted

To be continued..

- Scaradoodle-doo


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