‘What is happening?” Doyoung suddenly walked out from his room while rubbing his eyes. He looked at Jihoon. “Oh! Hyung. You just came back. You’re not in your room when I arrived from the company. Are you just back or are you already back and going out again and just got back again?”

“You sit there. I’m going to lecture you on you’re not someone who easily gets replaced,” Junkyu said while pointing at the couch. Doyoung put his hand on Jihoon’s forehead. To check if he has a fever.

“He didn’t have a fever but something is wrong about Jihoon hyung. Should I wake the other kids?” Doyoung asked.

“No. We need to settle this fast,” Junkyu said. Junkyu suddenly remembered something. Jihoon probably not just changed like this out of the blue. He remembered something that happened during their last comeback’s promotion. There’s a so-called fan calling out Jihoon on their SNS, saying that he’s being greedy even though he’s not that talented. The fan even said that everything about Jihoon is common and he shouldn’t even be in T5. That fan got bashed by the other fans and even got their account suspended. The other fans sent Jihoon a lot of beautiful and encouraging messages after that. The other members and the company know about the situation.

Even though the situation got resolved, Jihoon probably still got affected by those words. He probably started to doubt everything that he did up till now.

“Park Jihoon. Let’s do this. What about you start to think about one person? Only one. Who can always remember you. The person you want them to remember you the way you are. And ignore that one person who doesn’t want to remember you at all,” Junkyu said. “It doesn't matter who that person is. Just find at least one person that you want to show the best of you. It can be anyone, anything. Even a character. Just put yourself in a delusional state for a bit. Try to push yourself to the max. That way, you can shine even brighter,”

One person? If it’s his family, they keep on telling him that they will always be proud of him. Junkyu? He will always try to find nice words to tell him. Suddenly, the Omega’s face popped up in his mind. Choi Hyunsuk.

“Wow. Junkyu hyung. You’re the best," Doyoung showed both of his thumbs up. "What about you? What's the person you want to make them proud of you?"

"Buriburizaemon," Junkyu said. His answer made Doyoung dumbfounded and Jihoon chuckled. "What? I'm trying, okay? You two, just make sure to do your best. Doyoung, don't be too awkward.  Park Jihoon. I know you can show people that you deserve what you're getting. And I know you understand my words. Go take a rest and good luck. I'm going to sleep,"

"Looking at the guests we got here. Wah. It's a very interesting line up," the MC, Kwanghee said. "We have from the Idol team, T5 members, Jihoonie and Doyoungie. The Actors team, Our Fall's actors, Bona, Lee Jinhyuk and Cha Eunwoo. And the Entertainer team, Runtastic casts, Mijoo and Kai,"

"Ease up, Kim Doyoung," Jihoon whispered when he noticed that Doyoung had been tense since the filming started.

"I feel like Junkyu hyung is watching right now," Doyoung said. Jihoon chuckled hearing Doyoung's words.

"Calm down. The more you look like this, the more he'll be mad," Jihoon said.

"You guys probably won't be worried about your popularity, right. You guys are specialists in your respective work. People definitely will give your name as an example if we ask them on the street about an actor, idol or celebrity," Kwanghee said. "Do you have an episode of meeting someone who doesn't recognize you on the street?"

The guests tell their stories as what they already told the crews before the filming started. Doyoung also shared the story of him as per what was agreed with the company. For some reason, Jihoon feels like it's a little lacking.

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