D3 Female: Jelly Skittles

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Name: Jelly Skittles

Gender: Female

Age: 13

District: 3

Appearance: Long curly raven black hair till the middle of her back, green eyes and tanned skin.She's got a tattoo on her body. of vines wrapped around her ankle.She's about 5'6 and very slim.

Personality: She's a normal teenage girl,she's an animal lover and sweet hearted.Although she has another side which is cold hearted,cruel and selfish.

Weapon of choice:Poisonous daggers.

Strengths: She's agile,knows how to start a small fire without raising suspicion,know where to find water and is very fast and sneaky.

Weaknesses: She's not strong at all, hate's killing people and is bipolar


District token: bracelet with charms that turn into different shapes everyday.

Backstory: Her parents were two teenagers messing around when they shouldn't of done and basically were idiots, calling her Jelly Skittles, only feeding her when she was dying of starvation and basically abandoning her.

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