Chapter 32

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"Hey Silas" Manuel says from the other side of the phone.

"What do you want." I mumble.

"Well damn hello to you too." He mutters.

I let out a sigh as I wait for Manuel to speak.

"What is it manuel." I ask.

"Im coming to your cousins house." He says.

I quirk a amused eyebrow. "And why would you do that."

"Because I need to see my best friend, duh." He replies.

I hum as I stare up at the ceiling. "Okay, but your gonna have to sneak in."

"I'm already here." He tells me.

I stay quiet for a few seconds and I open my mouth to say something but Manuel ends the call.

"The hell?" I mutter, looking down at my phone.

I hear something hit my window and my head instantly snaps towards the window.

I stand up from the bed and open the balcony doors. I look down to see Manuel throwing a pebble towards me.

I scowl when the small rock hits me right in the face.

"Oops." Manuel whispers.

I glare at him as he starts to climb up a ladder that is against my balcony railing.

I should tip it to scare him.

I bring a hand out and place a hand on the ladder and Manuel's eyes widen. "Don't do this silas, I'm your best friend remember?"

"I don't recall."

Manuel screams as I jokingly tip the ladder. The sound of my laughter is heard as I stare at the fear in Manuel's eyes.

When Manuel finally jumps over the railing and on to the balcony he scowls at me.

"You psycho." He mumbles.

I shrug my shoulders and turn to walk back in the room.

I feel Manuel wrap his arms around me and hug me tightly. maybe a little too tight because I hiss in Manuel's hold when he hugs the side of my stomach too hard.

He quickly takes his arms off me and spins me around to face him.

"I didn't hug you that tight." He says with a confused expression.

His gaze snaps to my arm that is currently holding the side of my stomach.

He furrows his eyebrows. "What happened."

I roll my eyes. "I got stabbed dumb ass." I mumble, walking over to my bed and sitting down on it.

His eyes basically pop out of his head as he stares at me. "What? How." He questions.

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