18 Allegations!!!

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Gold digger!!!

Using him to get Successful!!!

She's so much younger than him!!!


That's how motherless daughters end up!!!

Useless Whore!!!

She's for the streets!!!

The waves of social media crashed against Esha's world, flooding the internet with a ruthless nickname that pierced her heart like a thousand arrows. "A Motherless Whore," they called her, branding her with cruelty. It was an unimaginable blow. The private moments captured in those leaked videos, where she and Darshan had innocently danced in the rain, were now twisted into ammunition against her. While panic threatened to suffocate her, an overwhelming numbness settled in her soul.

In the stage of life where she should have been busy constructing her reputation, Esha found herself engulfed in a storm of baseless allegations. The weight of society's judgment bore down on her fragile shoulders, threatening to shatter her dreams and aspirations. And all of this just cause she liked a boy?

The air in the room felt suffocating, pressing against her chest, as if every breath was a struggle. Darkness engulfed her vision, consuming her senses as she spiraled into a void of nothingness. It was as if her body was betraying her, relinquishing control to the abyss.

When consciousness returned, she found herself lying in her bed, dazed and disoriented. Her eyes darted around, and there, in the kitchen, stood her father. Panic seized her mind, gripping her heart tightly. "Shit!" she thought, "he found out too!"

A surge of shame coursed through her veins, her cheeks burning with the weight of disappointment she feared she had brought upon her father. How could she let him down after everything he had done for her? He had been there every step of the way, single-handedly parenting her, providing for her needs without ever letting her wish for anything.

Guilt washed over her like a crashing wave, threatening to drown her in remorse. She couldn't bear the thought of causing her father any pain, especially after he had given her his unwavering love and support. The idea of tarnishing the image he held of her, the trust he had placed in her, pierced her soul.

She got up to her feet and walked towards the kitchen.

"Dad?" She whispered.

"Esha, don't get up! You have fever, go back to bed." He scolds her while bringing her some food.

"Are you feeling better, Maou?" He asked with worried eyes.

"Baba, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to Disappoint you like this." A soft sob escaped her lips.

"My Maou could never disappoint me. You are the best daughter I could ever ask for, baccha." He kissed her forehead lightly making her sobs turn into a proper breakdown.

"Are you not mad at me?"

"Never. I was a little not happy about the situation but then I realised that I never heard your side of the story. And I'm well aware about media & it's lies. You are not the only one with controversies, now are you?" He smiles at his own misfortune.

Esha's father, Aakash, was not just any ordinary man; he was a luminary of the film industry, a renowned actor who had gracefully transitioned into the realm of writing. He had seen his fair share of ups and downs, triumphs and controversies, but one particular chapter of his life had etched itself into the annals of history. It was a colossal facade that unfolded between him and Esha's biological mother, a saga that had captured the attention of the masses and left an indelible mark on their lives.

In those tumultuous times, Aakash had chosen to shield his daughter from the glaring spotlight. Only a select few, his closest confidants, knew of the precious bond he shared with Esha. He had contemplated making their relationship public once she grew older, believing that the passage of time would soften the harsh judgments and prejudices that surrounded their story. However, Esha had adamantly refused, yearning to forge her own path independent of her lineage. She desired recognition solely for her talent, untethered from the weight of her father's fame. But now, the situation has changed. For worse.

"I didn't do anything wrong, baba. I'm just friends with him. I- umh You know I would never use someone to make my own name. I would never do that." He pats her head, as he nods reassuringly.

"But are you romantically involved with him, Eshu?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm not, baba. Like I said, I'm just friends with him."

"Do you like him though?"

"That doesn't matter anymore. Everything is over, baba." She hugs him, as she cries.

"Esha open the door!" Darshan yells from across her apartment door.

Her father was going to meet Darshan.
The circumstances surrounding this encounter were fraught with tension, and she couldn't shake off the feeling that it was destined to be an explosive confrontation—one that would leave devastation in its wake.

A surge of fear coursed through her veins, its icy grip tightening around her heart. The mere thought of what might unfold sent shivers down her spine. In that moment, she yearned for an escape, wishing she could simply vanish from existence. The weight of the impending storm bore down on her, and the desire to erase herself from the equation grew stronger.


Hey there Skittles!!!
A long awaited chapter??
Hope y'all enjoy this chapter
I'm a little out of practice at writing but I tried my best.
Do give me some sought of feedback, it encourages me to write more.
I hope you have a great day.
Love y'all

Also, Happy Barsat y'all<3

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