10 OCD!!!

140 23 7

Darshan / Esha

After Esha's outrage had subsided, she could not fight the urge of feeling guilty. That girl had not deserved such a wrath, maybe not. But the misconduct that has the potential to ruin her projects often pull out such a reaction from her.

Esha had major OCD - Obsessive compulsive disorder since her childhood. She would get completely consumed by things, unhealthily obsessed. Her dad had noticed her interest towards footwear and their designs and had made it his job to encourage her towards it so that she could have something good and unharmful to occupy herself with. It helped her out to a major extent and kept her away from bad habits but it also was the only thing that could enrage her. Someone purposely ruining her work. She detested it.

Walking towards the girl, she flops beside her and looks at her leg anxiously. "I am sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that." The girl looked at her surprised because Esha did have an image of angry young women at college (only because it was her work place).

"I know the excitement of meeting your idol and being noticed by them but you need to have patience. I remember the day I met mine, I almost made a mess." The girl giggles. "But my idol was very down to earth, she helped me out and was too kind to me." Esha smiles at the girl cheering her up.

"How about I get that jacket of yours signed by him, hmm? My way to apologise to you." The girl squealed and hugged Esha almost making her regret the offer. 

Darshan brushed back his now drenched hair and grinned at his friends. No surprise it had rain. It made the concert even more remarkable. His eyes ran around the crowd trying to spot his little one, disguised wonderfully among the others. He was astonished to have find her here and was even more thrilled now that he could find out her name. Finally!

A little nudge on his shoulder made him turn around. "That was a wonderful performance by renowned singer Darshan Raval. Thank you all, you had been a wonderful crowed." Esha smiles and rounds up the concert. 

"How does dancing in rain sounds to you?" Esha offers him softly.

"Sounds like just what I need, dollface!"



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