12 Captain America!!!

135 22 40

Darshan / Esha 


Darshan plopped himself down on Esha's couch which he had now fallen in love with. Her house was near perfection, a dream bachelor apartment, and was in complete love with it. He wished to have place like that for himself. His lips had drooped as his eyebrows furrowed while he continued typing something fiercely.

Esha continued her new self project, she always loved picking up projects for developing her skills. This time she was making convertable roller skates, from scratch. Sure it was difficult but not impossible. Esha had been on it for almost weeks now. From theory to picking up good quality but affordable materials to actually making it. It was a task and Esha wasn't going to back out.

As she sat on the floor with the wheels and shoes, joining the hinges with the help of a screwdriver she heard Darshan sigh. She was his unpaid therapist, she knew that.

What's upp??


Please I have now known you for months, I know when something's up.

Fine! I just had a little argument with video script writer about the scenes. I don't wanna do the same boring thing but it seems romance is limited to those same scenes. *sighs*

Romance and limited? You are kidding right? There's shit loads of cheesy things you could do in those videos.


Esha looks around her eyes falling on her roller skates and brightning up instantly.

You could be doing roller skates with the girl. Right so maybe take it easy this time, just some light romance.

Darshan walks towards kitchen and starts cooking lunch while listening to Esha's not so bad ideas. Esha smiles at him.

You could be working in a small cafe? She works there too? She skates to work every day and you just notice her but one day she drags you out and makes you skate too, yeah? And then you could add something fun like, Idiotarod! Or some dancing or some food gobbling or some flash mob shit. See? You have brand new romantic video. Love doesn't always have to be intense.

*Grins* Damn giggles, didn't expect that from you.

I am sorry but I am a lovesick person.

You made me believe otherwise.

Fuck off!


What are you? Captain America?

*Laughs* If that's what you want me to be.

Gross. Unlike him you don't have a godly body.

Ouch! *fake hurt* Take that back!!!!! I am hot as fuck!!!

My ass.

He flicks her off and she groans.

Man you are annoying.

Yet you love me, giggles.


Pft whatever floats your boat.

 As Esha indulges herself into her work for hours, Darshan gets restless. Guess our man loves attention.

ESHA!!! *Whiny tone*

Wait the heck up, how do you know my name?

You did think I would not find out your name after doing a concert in your college?

But you did not call me by my name ever before!

Just because I know your name does not mean I'll stop using cute little nicknames for you.



Why do you need house like mine? Either you are out on concerts or on shoot or on my couch. Why waste money?

Well fair enough. 

Listen I want you to join me for the next video shoot!



Please I have crazy social anxietyyy.

You are joining me and that's final.



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If you did not like the chapter, don't tell me. I am well aware.

I am having writer's block and I wrote this during writer's block!

Forgive me!

Laters Gators!

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