Chapter 3- Support

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Warning- this chapter contains themes that may be upsetting to some readers such as gore, 'panic attacks?' and sexual situations. Read at your own caution.

Katsuki POV

I regret a lot of things. A lot. One of the things I'll never regret is knowing Izuku. He's the most amazing person I think I'll ever know, but I could never tell him.

We got back to the dorms around 3:00 when Deku and I finished training. All the extras were either lazing around in the common area or off doing something I could care less about.

There wasn't any post it on the door to the dorms, which made me and Deku both suspicious. "Damn is it over?" I thought out loud as we walked in. I got my answer right away. There were some familiar faces, but I wasn't paying attention to them.

Right in front of Deku in I, waiting for us by the door was a horribly bloody person, they looked mad. Biting and scratching their skin, screaming their head off. I couldn't even recognize a human feature about them. It was as if they rid themselves of any characteristic- hair ripped out, skin torn from the face. I felt like throwing up, fainting, even. I couldn't even think about how Deku looked or felt in this situation. He was right next to me.

"Holy fuck-" I breathed, barely able to hold myself together.

'Izuku. Protect him.'

My body moved on its own. How could I help? What was there to do? My left hand swung around Deku and shielded his eyes. I could hear and feel him hyperventilating and my hand was beginning to feel wet with tears. I took my other hand and fused it with his right. Then I veered us around the horrible situation, right past it to the elevator.

I caught glimpses of very stunned classmates but I didn't care. Out. I wanted out.

Finally, the elevator shut, and the screaming died out. "It's over." I managed, relieved, and let go of Deku, collapsing against the wall of the elevator, sliding down it to sit on the floor. I saw him faint, but he was right next to me, so I caught him in my lap, passing out myself.

I woke up in a totally different environment. The air felt breathable, the room was white and warm.

I was in a hospital, or more accurately, the school nurse's office. In a bed. I looked around the room for anyone else.

Next to me in a chair was a sleeping Shitty hair, and in another chair was pink cheeks. On the other side of them was Deku in a different bed.

Without any hesitation I got out of bed and went to wake Deku. Instead, Shitty hair woke up.

"Bakubro! Are you alright?" he said, still adjusting. I stopped in my tracks to look at him. "Tell me what happened right now." I remembered what happened before passing out, but obviously wasn't conscious for after that.

"Your classmates saw you walk in the dorms with Midobro totally freaked out. They said you were acting weird, holding his hand, and running like there was something chasing you. Then they went after you and found you passed out with him in the elevator. Uraraka and I have been waiting for you two to wake up, it's only been an hour or so. Mind telling us what happened?"

I glared at him. Like hell I am! "Not a chance shitty hair." "Then maybe you'll tell me." Mr. Aizawa. He was walking in the room with Recovery girl, and he looked unreadable. He could have been mad, but also could have been worried. My eyes widened in fear.

"Tsk. That nerd can tell you whatever the fuck he wants but you're not getting jack shit out of me."



"Don't fuck with me Bakugo."

"No, you have Present Mic for that." I retorted and stormed out of the room past them.

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