Chapter 1- Insanity

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"Kacchan, I feel like I'm losing my mind."


Izuku POV

I'm a very careful person. Meaning that I don't really trust anyone. I can put on both a smile and a show, and no one will suspect a thing, no one ever has. That's just the kind of person I am. I fake it till' I make it, and I don't find anything wrong with that. This is what I use to build my wall that separates me from everyone else. It's my own world. I'd like to think that everyone has their own world, but I've never seen past my wall to know.

Every single one of these notions are broken by one person.

Kacchan has been- someone I've known- since my early childhood. I wouldn't say we are friends, but he knows everything about me, and I know everything about him.

While I try to steer clear of him, Kacchan has never been one I fake around. He knows me too well. What makes him different from everyone else is that I've seen into his world, and he has seen mine.

I guess we'll always have each other, though we would never show it.

Lately, I find myself only able to confide in Kacchan, because my everything has changed. The world is about to end, and only I know it.


I woke up in a cold sweat again. For the past week, terrible things have been happening to me. Its like the universe- or some sort of other power- has been giving me signs that something is wrong. Every night now, I struggle to go to sleep because my dreams have followed the same premise- the world ends, and I am helpless. I've never felt so helpless aside from these dreams I've been having the past week.

Anyone can say I'm paranoid, but it's not just my dreams. Every day I see signs that clearly connect to my dreams. I got a package at my door filled with WW1 official military pamphlets on how to protect yourself in the case of a conflict. That freaked me out the most. I keep finding random post its stuck on the walls around school that bluntly say things about the world ending and national crisis. No one else has mentioned them, and I only find them when I'm alone. I experimented to see if anyone else was able to see them, mainly my close friends, but when I would wave them around inconspicuously, they just seemed confused. I'm starting to think that either I'm insane, or that saving the world is up to me.

All this pressure has caused several breakdowns over the week, but I'm able to contain myself when people are around. I am so scared, that I don't think anyone will help me, no one can sympathize. I'll probably be sent to a mental hospital if I tell anyone because what is happening is actually insane.

I started to catch my shaky breaths as they quaked in and out. I looked at my alarm clock- 7:45.

UA starts school at 8:30, but I like to take my time to get ready.

I moped out of bed and put on my grey and teal uniform as per usual. It smelled a little stale so I decided I would wash it after school. I slid on my red sneakers that always appealed to me and looked in the mirror.

I'm not one who is insecure about my self-image, though I sympathize with those who are. But if there was one thing I could change about myself, it would be my eyes. They were too big, too girlish. I shook away my thoughts and frilled out my hair. Though many people would disagree, I liked how fluffy and untamed my hair always looked. It kept people from looking at my eyes.

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