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It was late by the time you and Christina had finally decided to go home. You being tired was quite the understatement, it was actually a whole lot more tiring, more of a fatigue you never had experienced before. You barely had the energy to keep up with your darling friend who seemingly had no shortage of spirit nor spring on her steps. She was as lively as she was before, still clinging to your arm as she quite literally dragged you to the road leading to both of your homes.

You thought to yourself, perhaps the reason why you felt so deenergized these many days was because there's a lot of things going on. Whether it may be your dear friend who had gotten a lot more clingier the more she spends time with you or the fact the nurse had died suspiciously. You think it was more leaning to the former, it's obvious that Christina is like a magnet or a gorilla glue that refuses to let go unless it was time to do so or you really need to have some privacy like going to a cubicle in the comfort room.

"I'm so glad we have matching bracelets, how come I didn't think of that earlier?" Christina said, grabbing your hand that had the bracelet and raising it to the dark skies alongside hers, both of your bracelets glittering under the skies with the help of the light post you had just walked under. Hers were jems with the color of your eyes and yours the color of hers. It was pretty and you had to agree to her, it was great to have matching bracelets with your friend. Not as if you both had both other things that matched together, like jackets and diaries.

You had the inkling that Theo might give both of you an eyeroll that you hadn't brought him a matching bracelet too, as if Christina hadn't refused the idea of buying one for her older brother, claiming that the bracelet was too 'girly' for him. Perhaps you need to buy him a bracelet that's similar but not too girly as Christina had said, maybe a necklace? It's near his birthday soon so you took a mental note.

There's a lot going on that makes you feel confused or possibly stressed.

Still, both you and Christina had talked until both of you were near enough to see the sight of both of your homes and a familiar frowning face at the porch.

"Tsk.." You heard Christina say something under breath, that Theo was acting like both of you had escaped and ran away without permission. Theo's not her bloody mum, Christina cursed silently so.

"Hey, at least we already hang out. Thankfully he didn't come his way to follow us." You attempted to cheer Christina, knowing that she might fully show her disdain without any restrain or so. Theo wasn't to lose, he kept his cool but he seems to lose his temper when it comes to you and Christina's escapades. He just wasn't, open to any word, he comes a bit stubborn and doesn't hear what he doesn't want to hear. You admit, that wasn't a trait you expected of him.

He changed quite a lot, after all these years, you realized.

At your words, Christina smiled and agreed. "Right, he couldn't do anything about it since we've already spent the time." She smiled but it was soon wiped out when Theo had decided that we were apparently walking too slow that he went on his way to come to us instead.

His hands were shoved to his pockets and his hair was quite messy due to the cold winds, it's nearing winter once again after all. We came to a halt and I could sense that there was something going on between these two. They don't appear as the sweet sibling they were before. But they were siblings so perhaps it's just them having these normal arguments.

"You're late." Was all Theo said, heaving a deep breath.

"Well we went to many places." Christina answered simply, Theo's eyes flicking at the matching bracelets you and Christina wore.

"I wasn't talking to you."

"But I am." Christina wasn't happy. "She's at the same place as I was so you'd still have the same answer if you talked to her."

Theo could only sigh, you could see his frustration.

"Uhm, can we go somewhere warm. It's a bit cold outside." You said in an attempt to disband the argument these two are suddenly having. They were fine the day before so what's the matter?

Theo was quick to move, swiftly coming to your side and took you away from Christina, already guiding you away to their home.

"Sorry Y/n, I should've not kept you outside." Theo rambled, like a whisper as his hand around your waist pulled you closer to him. You looked back at Christina who hastily sped walk to catch up to her brother with a frown. Of course she would frown, all the stuff you have brought was left for her to carry. You mentally apologized to her.

"It's okay Theo." You said and he only smiled, pulling the door open. The warm air hit you instantly and you felt no longer cold. Theo led you, helping you take your shoes off as if you were a child. He didn't take his arm off around you when he led you to the living room. He made the effort to help Christina bring the things you have bought to the corner where they left it to. Soon Theo had rushed off to you once again and fussed like a mother hen. You could hear Christina on the phone, already telling your parents that you were currently at their home.

But you noticed something, that the couple who always seems to welcome you in was not home.

"Where's aunt and uncle?" You asked, as you were quite literally sat in the couch nearest the fireplace, already in a blanket as Theo had already draped one over you.

"Still at work, they are working overtime tonight." Christina suddenly answered, suddenly having a warm cup of chocolate drink at her hand and handed it to you. Well that was fast. Looking at how Theo seemed to be frowning with an empty hand, Christina stole the mug away from him.

Hey, what's with the sudden rivalry.

"Stop stealing Christina." Theo narrowed his eyes but he joined sitting at the couch either way.

"I'm not." She only answered, batting her eyes in a feint innocence. You could only sip at the mug and look at the siblings who continued to argue.


Actually this is my last update to the book in quotev. I don't really update as much and this particular update was published like 3 months later. So you might wait as long like that for just one update heeheh. Though ideas are welcome. I really just need motivation.

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