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It's been a week of avoiding your dear friends and your mother has taken notice of this.

It wasn't hard to, because you wake up a lot earlier to avoid the siblings when they came to pick you up.

You waking up early is already weird enough, she almost thought you were possessed by some kind of hardworking alien.

To be honest, she's surprised how you managed to avoid the Alderich siblings considering how persistent they are. They always came and visited you but you somehow manage to escape.

Inside in your own house.

She applaud you for that but what are you doing? Why are you avoiding your friends all of the sudden and act like a brat towards them?

And so, she tried to ask you as soon you come home. Losing your friends for no reason at all is sad y'know, if you continue this any longer then you would become a loner.

And she doesn't want that.

As if on cue, you entered the house with a tired look with your heavy bag hanging at your shoulder. seriously, what's in your bag for it to be so heavy when you only your notebooks and such?

"I'm home."

"Go change and fix yourself, you look so sweaty. Come back here after you finish, I've prepared some snack and juice." Your mother said as she shooed you upstairs.

Hastily, she re-arranged the already tidy couch and switched the TV open so you can watch whatever anime you're watching.

She put cookies and some other snacks in the plate and poured a cold drink in a cup. She picked it up and put it in the coffee table at the middle of the room.

After that, she cleaned for a bit while waiting for you to come downstairs.

Meanwhile, you just finished changing and charged your phone before going downstairs. Your eyes shined when you saw the snacks and your favorite show going on in the flatscreen.

You immediately plopped down at the comfy couch and picked up a random cookie and ate it with a contented sigh.

"Eat well Y/N." Your mother said as she sat at the other corner of the couch you sat in.

You only nodded and thanked her for the treats. It was a bit silent for a while, the only sound in the room was the TV, you eating and the occasional shuffle of your mother in her spot in the couch.

Until it was broken by your mother who was a bit too curious on what's going on.

"So Y/N I've noticed something lately." Your mother began and you started to sweat in nervousness.

You stopped eating and faced her with a strained smile as you urged her to continue.

"You're avoiding your best friends and don't walk with them to school, did you get into a fight?" Your mother asked as she picked up cookie and bit into it, her eyes telling you to answer her question without any excuses.

'Ah frick-' you cursed as you started to sweat profusely.

"N-no, we didn't get into a fight." At this, your mother raised her eyebrow. You gulped at the interrogating look in her eyes.

"Then what happened?"

"It's just that I feel out of place whenever I'm with them. They're totally out of my league. I mean haven't you seen them? Christina and Theo are above me and then..then look at me." You said sadly, hey you aren't lying.

Technically you aren't saying crap. You're just saying half of your reasons to your mother. Your insecurities are still there no matter how you love spending time with them.

Your mother frowned at your response as she scooted until she was beside you. She enveloped you into a warm gentle hug, patting your back in a comforting manner.

You hugged back, having such a supporting mother has is what makes you strong sometimes.

"I understand what you're feeling Y/N but despite that, are you really just going to abandon your friendship with Christina and Theo because of that?" She said as she withdraws from the hug.

"But if you really feel not being friends with them anymore then I also understand." She put a stray hair behind your ear as she gave upon you with a gentle smile.

"Just consider what your childhood friends will feel about this too OK? The two seems really sad these days." She advised before giving you a one last pat in the head.

With her words, you came to realize.

What does Christina thinks about this? What does the other think about this?

Who cares if the plot is different now or if it's completely ruined. You're here for Christina in the first place and she's your dear friend.

You aren't going to abandon her just because of this, the story plot is already ruined, what difference it will make when you ruin it further?

This is your life and now, you're going to live it right without thinking about the plot.

Honestly, who cares about keeping things normal and following rules?

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