Chapter Seven: A Little Vacation

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"A few boys who were decorating the ballroom for the prince's coronation were fired for painting the walls with um... hateful words. Since the prince seems to tolerate you, I was wondering if you could take their place?" the head servant asked.

Drew blinked at them before looking at Connor, who shrugged at mouthed, "I can go with you if you want."

"U-Uh..." Drew stuttered, weighing his options. If he accepted, then it would be impossible to avoid his mate. Even with suppressants, there is no guarantee that Prince Orion won't notice the truth. But if he declined, the head servant would be disappointed in him, and Drew would rather decorate a ballroom than clean hundreds of plates for the next three months.

"Um... I don't mean to offend his highness, but how often will I see Prince Orion?" Drew asked, nervousness tainting his words.

The head servant chuckled. "It's alright. Prince Orion isn't a people person either. You will probably only see him once or twice when he'll come to review your progress."

Drew sighed in relief before nodding.

"Then I will gladly take the opportunity if Connor can join me."

"Of course! The more help we have, the better," the head servant smiled. "You have the day off today, but your duties will be replaced with a detailed tour as well as instructions. Clean up your area and meet me outside of the kitchen entrance."

Drew and Connor nodded before they heard a sudden crash in another room. The head servant's eye twitched and he sighed before running towards the source of the noise.

"What is it this time?!" they shouted before shutting the door behind them.

The two omegas blinked before staring at each other with dumbfounded expressions.

"I hope we get a raise for this." Connor sighed.

The head servant did give them a raise for their recent troubles, making both of the omegas more than happy.

They were given a tour, along with a long scroll of paper that listed Prince Orion's specific preferences and favorites. Drew started to regret his decision as he stared at the paper while he rested in his bedroom. The two omegas were released early, so Drew decided to get extra sleep. However, instead of relaxing, his mind was racing about the prince.

During the tour, Drew smelled his mate's strong coffee scent, making Erin purr in satisfaction. Other than that instance, the omega's wolf has been completely quiet.

Drew sighed and carefully put the paper in his nightstand's drawer. He quickly took out the jar of hormone suppressants and took two before grabbing his black cloak. If he couldn't go to sleep, he might as well go visit his family.

He took his bag and filled it with necessities like money and snacks. Then he climbed through the small window above his bed, landing on the abused grass and almost tripping face-first. He groaned and dusted off his clothes.

Running into the familiar forest he had gotten to know over the past few days, Drew was silently hoping he wouldn't run into the wolf this time. Knowing the creature, it would most likely follow the omega all the way to his hometown, and Drew didn't know how he would explain that to his family.

Unfortunately, the wolf found him again. It perked up and leaped onto him, licking his face happily. Drew gasped as he fell backwards onto the ground. He laughed as the wolf snuggled him.

"Hey! That tickles!" the omega chuckled. "I have to go see my family!"

The wolf tilted its head at that and finally jumped off of him. Drew stood up and dusted his clothes before going deep into the forest. The wolf trotted beside him, refusing to leave after the omega told it to go multiple times.

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