Chapter 41 - Pumped Up Kicks (Nino/Carapace)

Start from the beginning

Drama was our last class. "What do you guys want to do now that School's over for the day?" I smirked. "How about a quintuple date?" My friends stopped in their tracks. "A what date?" Adrien asked.

Before I had the chance to explain, Chloe beat me to it super excited.

"It's five dates in one! Nino and Alya, Adrien and Luka, Juleka and Rose, Marinette and Mason, and me and Miles." I turned to Marinette. She was blushing.

"Huh? No, I can't ask him out... What if he says no?" Alya and Juleka rolled their eyes. "We see the way he looks at you in class when you're not looking. Madison, his twin sister has told us he talks about you none stop at home," Marinette smiled.

"Really?" They nodded. I'm really happy for Marinette. It's about time she found someone. "He's still here. Let's go ask him! We can collect our boyfriends, and girlfriend, on the way." The girls dragged Marinette away and left me with Luka and Adrien.

But I'm Alya's boyfriend. And I'm still here. I'll just wait until she comes back for me. I wanted to start a conversation but Luka and Adrien were a little busy...

Maybe I should go to Alya instead.


I was thrown into a dumpster. Gross. I slightly opened the lid when I saw Chat Noir. He was pretty beated up. And he used his Cataclysm already so he was going to de-transform soon.

I don't want to know his identity. But I need to get out of here, and he needed help. "Claws In..." I shut the lid immediately. But it was too quick and loud.

None of them saw where I was thrown. The lid opened and I was face to face with....


Is he Chat Noir? Who else would it be? There's no way Adrien would be here if he wasn't Chat Noir. "You know my name..." He whispered. Oh right, Carapace isn't supposed to know his name.

I've never met Adrien when I was Carapace. "I'm sick of hiding, I need someone to know and it's going to be you." I climbed out of the dumpster.

"Shell Off." He now knows who I am. "Nino..." He hugged me. "I'm glad it's you..." I hugged him back. "Me too..." I pulled away, "Are you okay?" He nodded.

"Just need to give Plagg his stinky cheese and I'll be good to go," Adrien took a piece of what looked like Camembert out of his jacket. Plagg ate it happily.

I did the same, Wayzz is probably exhausted. He ate the lettuce I gave him.

"Are you sure you're in good enough shape to continue?"

"Yeah, I can do this." We both transformed again to rejoin our teammates.


"Tough Supervillain, but we still prevailed!" Group fist bump as usual and went our separate ways. Except for me and Adrien.

"Is it hard?" He looked at me. "What?" I smiled a little. "Is it hard keeping your secret from Luka?" His eyes showed understanding of what I asked him.

"Really hard..." He answered. "I know how you feel.. Hiding this from Alya is one of the hardest things I could ever do. And I'm still doing it." I felt his hand on my shoulder, "You will be able to tell her eventually. Just like I can tell him." He's my best friend for a reason. And this is it.


Now that I know Adrien is Chat Noir, I know that his Father is Hawk Moth. He must have felt awful when he found out. I don't even know how he found out. His Dad was cruel before, but this is just downright evil. Akumatizing people just to get Ladybug's earrings and Adrien's ring.

Maybe I can ask Wayzz why he needs them. "Wayzz..?" He was sitting on my bed. "Yes?" I took a deep breath. "Do you know why Hawk Moth is after Ladybug's and Chat Noir's Miraculous?" He sighed.

"Combined, the Miraculous of the Ladybug and Black Cat can grant the welder a wish. But it comes at a price." He explained.

What wish would that be? I mean, Adrien's Mom disappeared a long time ago. Would Mr. Agreste need the Miraculous to bring her back?

Wayzz said the wish comes at a price. If Mrs. Agreste is dead, and if he does get his hands on the Miraculous and he makes the wish of bringing her back to life... Someone would have to take her place.

So no matter what we can't let him get his hands on the Miraculous. And with all of ours... Who knows what he would be able to do. I don't want to think about it.


"Snow White and the seven dwarfs?" I knew it would be too easy. "You guys still did an amazing job," Mrs. Tucker praised our performance. The tableau was a good lesson. I think once we get the hang of it we're going to move onto something else.


"Adrien..?" I managed to get Adrien alone. I need to ask how he found out about his Dad. "Plagg was the one who discovered my Father is Hawk Moth," I didn't even ask the question and he already knew what I was going to ask.

"I had a feeling you were going to ask that since you found out I'm Chat Noir. I would probably ask myself that question too." He has this burden on his shoulder.

I promise that I will free him from this curse of having such an evil Father.


So I know it might be confusing, it is for me. So let me break it down of who knows who's identities so far.

Chloe, Juleka and Marinette know Luka and Adrien's identities. Juleka and Marinette know eachothers identities but neither of them knows Chloe's. Adrien, Luka and Miles know Chloe's identity, but obviously Miles doesn't really count since he's not a superhero. And I'm sorry but I don't plan on making him one because he is my own character and not one from the show.. So I'm really sorry but none of the characters that are in this book that are not in the show are characters I made and will not be superheroes.

And to address who they are, I'll tell you. Miles, his whole family, Addison and Katie, Mason and Madison, and the teachers for Drama, History and English. I didn't say Math because Mr. Lambert is Miles' dad and I mentioned his whole family so that includes him.

Anywaysss... Where was I? Oh yes. Luka and Adrien don't know eachothers identities. But they both know Juleka is Purple Tigress. Nino and Alya's identities are a secret to everyone so far. Uhhh... Actually, looks like Nino and Adrien now know eachothers identities... I forgot I wrote that heh... But Alya's is still a secret. Moving on, Adrien and Marinette know eachothers identities. Is that it? And I think Marinette and Juleka don't know that they both know Adrien's identity. If I missed anyone let me know in the comments! Bye!

I'm not done yet actually. I based the drama part on what I did in my High School drama class. The only thing I remembered was the tableau. And performing a play at the end of the year as the exam. So later in the book they will be doing that. Just pretend they did all the drama stuff since I don't remember.

Just a quick thing, a yesterday I saw a video on Instagram about an episode in season 5 and I saw Rose with longer hair. This was after I wrote the chapter where she decided to grow out her hair and it turns out she really is growing it! I didn't know the creators would have her grow it out. I'm glad she is growing it in the show. Sorry if that's a spoiler, but I'm not really interested in watching season 5. Why? Because my beautiful boys aren't cannon.

If Lukadrien isn't cannon I'm not watching it. I don't have anything against Adrinette shippers, I just don't ship them. I actually used to ship them really hard....

But ever since I became a fujoshi, (meaning in my book called 'The Fujoshi Squad') I started to ship Luka and Adrien, as you guys can tell from this book. And all my other books that are boyxboy hehehehe.... So this time I'm actually done. I got to 2000 words quickly because I wrote so much in my ending author note. Okay, for real this time, bye!

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