Chapter 40 - Shine Brighter Than Stars (Adrien/Chat Noir)

Start from the beginning

I finally jumped out of the window and began to head towards the Bourgeois Hotel.

Just as I nearned the building, I felt drops on my face. Rain. Perfect. It was pouring so hard it was getting hard to see.

Even if it wasn't raining this hard, the tears would have blurred my vision anyway.

"So what happened to the boy you harassed this morning?!" I froze. "His boyfriend came in and played the hero. We hardly escaped with our lives!" That voice.

"Yeah! I'm not risking it again!" It was them. The two guys who tried to... I didn't let myself finish that thought. "I don't care if he has a boyfriend! Don't fail next time!" I forced myself to move to where the voices were coming from.

The two guys and another one, he was bigger and probably much older. I took out my Baton. I wasn't going to let myself get touched like that ever again. I'm going to teach them a lesson.

I jumped down. "I heard you guys were criminals, why don't you take a cat walk all the way to jail?" The big guy turned towards me. "Change of plans boys, forget the blonde kid, beating up a Superhero would look much better on my reputation," He made a fist and hit it against his hand.

I gulped. But I didn't stand down. "Take him out," The two guys came towards me. And just seeing them reminded me of what they did to me and it took me down.

I tried to fight, but I was still terrified of them. They beat me up. It took the rest of my strength to get away. But I was still so weak.

I was so relieved when I saw Chloe's balcony. I managed to land on it. I made a thud and she came to the door. "What the- Chat Noir?! What happened?! Why are you-" Just before I passed out from exhaustion I only managed to say one thing;

"Claws In..."

"Oh my gosh! Adrien!" Was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.




"Adrien, wake up!" Chloe's voice kelp repeating my name. I was so tired. But I made myself open my eyes. Chloe was over me with a very worried expression on her face.  "You're awake! I'm so relieved!" I sat up. My head hurt. "What happened?" She slightly frowned. "You showed up and passed out. What were you doing here anyway? And I know you're Chat Noir." Oh no....

Chloe knows my identity. Marinette is going to kill me! I just won't tell her. "Why were you beaten up like that?" I have to tell her. "I ran into them again..." I whispered. "What?!" She covered her mouth. "They did this to you? Did they just beat you up or...?" I winced. "They just beat me up. I was Chat Noir so they didn't try it again. They were with this other guy. He said beating up a Superhero would look better on his reputation." I watched as Chloe's face get red with rage.

"They'll pay for this." She promised. "Can you not tell Luka? I really don't want him to end up in jail for murder..." Her anger vanished.

"Okay, but you can't keep this from him forever. You already have a big enough secret you can't tell him." Oh shit. She's right. Me being Chat Noir is the big secret I can't tell him.

"I'm Queen Bee by the way. It's only fair," She added. That wasn't how I expected to find out Queen Bee's identity. But I'm glad she's Chloe.

"So, what are you doing here anyway? Did something happen at home? Did your Father do anything to you?" Right, she knows he's Hawk Moth.

"I have no idea how, but he found out about Luka, in the heat of the argument I blurt out I love Luka and he told me to break up with him or else he would lock me up forever and I would never be able to go back to School ever again. So I left. And I'm never going back. I would have done to Luka but his boathouse doesn't have the largest cheese seller in Paris, if you know what I mean," I winked at her and Plagg finally showed himself.

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