An annoying kind of different.

Start from the beginning

Little did Jin know that the reason why Mira was angry was his existence not because he ever did anything wrong.

I guess our little protagonist was very naive and innocent after all.

Namjoon spoke up saying "Eomma just apologise to Jin and Apa will speak to you again and all of our anger will subside. But before that tell us why you think he is that way?"

Mira took a deep breath and said "His parents said to keep a look out on him. He's very rebellious and if you don't train him to do work from the start he will become a bigger problem in the future".

Yoongi rolled his eyes at that whilst Hoseok and Namjoon looked annoyed that she believed that nonsense and Jungkook well he was conflicted but because he put it in his head that he hated Jin he believed every word.

Mira knew that she had to apologise to Jin even if she didn't want to and her fake apology will get everyone to love her again and she could secretly hate him.

"I'm gonna apologise to Jin. I've treated the kid so poorly." She spoke out and her words were so sincere that everyone believed her.

Except Yoongi.

For some reason he was a little skeptical.

So Mira walked to the kitchen with everyone following her and Jin had just finished washing the mountain full of dishes so he turned around.

Yoongi winced at his red face he could tell the poor omega had been crying.

Mira walked over to him as the others stood by the door and Yoongi noticed the minute Mira tried hugging him Jin flinched.

Jungkook also saw this but didn't think much of it.

"Jin forgive your Eomma I'm so sorry for hurting you. I don't know what got into me. Please forgive me". Mira said and Jin was surprised as he hugged her back.

The others started happily cheering and in that moment Mira who was facing against them and hugging Jin said "Don't get too happy Jin I'm only doing this so they don't hate me. I still hate you."

Jin eyes dropped more tears and he hugged her tightly to feel the warmth of a mother. Though she hated him - for Jin she gave a warmth he hasn't felt in a long time.

"It's okay aunty, you can hate me anything to keep this family together."

Mira was shook at jin's words as she pulled away and noticed his tear stained face.

She wanted to wipe his tears away and her heart ached seeing him like this.

So contradictory to her previous words she wiped his tears and said "I'm here".

Jin smiled thinking it was fake and played along little did he know these were the most truest words of Mira so far for Jin.

They pulled apart and everyone was back to pampering Mira again. Only Yoongi noticed the wrinkly fingers of Jin since he washed so many dishes.

The said alpha walked over to his omega brother and held his hands. "Jinah I'm so sorry. I keep saying I'll protect you and I let her hurt you all the time. Forgive me!"

Jin shook his head saying "Hyung you being there for me and giving me so much love...way more than I deserve is enough."

Yoongi just hugged Jin tightly. For some reason he was attached to Jin and in a very brotherly manner. Yes he couldn't see Joon or Jungkook hurt either. But he knew that Jin was an omega and both his brothers were tough alphas they didn't need as much protection.

Or maybe it was something else maybe the hurt he saw in jin's eyes but regardless he never wanted Jin to be hurt and he promised himself till that day he dies he's gonna protect Jin.

My misunderstood love [JinKook] & [YoonMin]Where stories live. Discover now