In the betrayal

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He was fast. Faster than he was in the training. Macaque had me on the defensive and I hated it. I hissed through my teeth and stumbled to the side. Macaque had hit my almost closed wound on the side of my abdomen and now it had re-opened. I snarled and shook my head. "Why are you still helping the bitch?"

Macaque shrugged. "I have trust issues."

"Fair enough." I jumped at him and he smiled. 

(Credits to Coral 2.0 on YT for that little exchange)

Macaque grabbed my throat. "That move was so predictable! It's like you didn't listen to my training advice." He grinned and slammed me into the ground. I groaned and lay on my side with my eyes screwed shut.  

"Weak." He murmured. "What a shame. I thought that you would put up a better fight."

Macaque bent down so he was eyes level with me. He scratched his cheek and looked around. "This reminds me of when you were in the cement room. Courtesy of me, of course." Macaque chuckled lightly and grinned.

I saw his tail sway slow and lazy. Almost hypnotizing in a way. I brought my gaze upwards and saw that Wukong had LBD on the defensive. Good. I groaned and got up. My legs almost gave out and I leaned on my staff. 

"Look at you," Macaque murmured. "You're all used up." He snickered. "I was thinking.." He cooed and walked around me. "That if you join me with the Lady," He crooned and leaned down behind me to whisper in my ear. 

"I could give you everything~" He whispered.

I stand up straight. He would what? I turned and snarled at him. Macaque just grinned as he saw my weak state.

Smug bastard.

"Like hell I would." I glared at him. It seemed that's all I could do. 

Macaque laughed. "Well, I thought that you would take me up on my offer."

I felt a boom and saw that Wukong was slammed into the ground. I panicked and surrounded the two of us in separate balls of green light. My grip tightened on my staff and Wukong rolled over and looks at me weakly. 

Macaque snarls and backs away from the shield. After a bit the barrier flickers and Macaque smirks. He gingerly puts  a claw to a kink in the shield and cracks form. 

"You can't hold it for long, little petal~" Macaque purred and walked around the shield, putting his claws in kinks every often.

I snarled and started at the ground in order to focus on the shield. It stabilized for a moment. 



Macaque hissed a laugh through his teeth and made more cracks appear in the barrier.

No no no no no no

I gritted my teeth as a sheen of sweat started to cover my body. Wukong shakily stood up and held his arm.


I was shaking. I couldn't hold the shield anymore. 

I cried out and collapsed on the ground, the green balls of light flickering and then giving out, leaving me and Wukong vulnerable. Macaque stepped towards Wukong and chided. 

"The Great Sage, weak and broken." Macaque hissed with glee. "And the Goddess of Nature. You should have stayed out of this fight, little petal." Macaque tilts his head. 


He hissed in my ear.

"Fully used up."

Suddenly everything went dark and it was just me and the emo whore.

"I could make you stronger. Make you the most feared deity amongst all." Macaque strode right up to me.

"Accept, and Wukong won't get hurt. Accept, and you will be respected."

Macaque leaned down to whisper in my ear.


He smiled.

"And you won't die."

I squeaked and stumbled away, trying to get back from the simian, but I was met with a black wall. I tried to go forward but the same thing happened. 

I cried out and tried to yell but my voice was gone.

"Time's running out, little petal!" Macaque purred and walked around the barrier he made. His tail flicking back and forth. I heard Wukong groan from outside whatever barrier I was kept in. 

I screwed my eyes shut. This wasn't going to plan.

"Everything goes according to plan~" Macaque sang. "You time is up in three,"



I looked around desperately.


"I'll accept!" I yelled.

My eyes were shut again. Nothing happened. I opened my eyes after a few seconds. I hissed slightly at the sunlight. I looked around and saw that the darkness was gone. But... so was Wukong and Lady Bone Demon.

"Great choice, little petal." Macaque purred.

"Where'd Wukong go?" I leaned on my staff heavily.

"Somewhere." Macaque shrugged. "He's alive, though. No need to worry your pretty little head about it." He pat my head and I snarled and tired to bite him.

Macaque yanked his hand back and just smiled. "Feisty."

I was suddenly bound with shadows and my staff suddenly disappeared. Fuck

Macaque laughed. "So adorable how you think you can continue to fight." He snickered. He went on and on with his whole villain monologue. I tuned him out as we walked around me. 

"So now," He appeared right in front of me and I jumped. "I take you somewhere... secret. You understand this part, right?" He asked. 

I didn't know what he meant until he held his weapon in the air and brought it down on my hand, rendering me unconscious.

A/N Sorry this chapter was short I've just been super busy

Shadows and Vines: A Macaque and Reader Story.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt