Voices and Dreams

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I didn't know how much time had passed. Ever since Macaque left me I had been bored out of my mind. His little jaunts and jabs angered me. He acted like was so above me... well he wasn't! He's just a shadow of the Monkey King. The Great Sage Equal to Heaven... blah blah blah. I rolled my eyes. I may be younger than him, but I was more important than him. Right?

My expression softened from a look of concentration and frustration, to a look of sadness and loneliness. But that quickly changed when I heard someone's voice.

"Useless... un-worthy...."

The voice seemed to call my worst thoughts.

"You are useless..."

Called the voice. I shook my head. No, no no no no. I laughed and flicked the tip of my tail. I was going crazy!


The voice hissed throughout my head. I hissed and looked around. I was begging to get scared. I rocked the chair and cursed Macaques name out-loud.

"Mother fucking asshole!" I yelled and fell to the ground again. I screamed and tears pricked my eyes.


The voice jeered. I snarled and glared at nothing. After a few hours of thrashing a felt my eyes begin to droop. I shook my head and tried to stay awake but I was just so, very tired.


The voice encouraged. I tried to fight the drowsiness but the voice was now so soothing. It was soft and silky, promising me that when I did sleep, I would be free. Free for a little bit. But free was free so I complied and closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes to find that I was looking out into a forest. I tried to yell but my voice wouldn't work. I stomped my foot in frustration and my tail swayed angrily. I heard a loud boom and turned around. I saw a big flash of green and suddenly...

I was in the midst of deities surrounding what looked to be a big leaf curled up. the leaf opened to reveal.. me...

I was falling, falling into darkness. I saw myself in little flashes of my life.

Me being created.

Me bowing to the will of the Jade Emperor.

Me being told that I'm the new Nature Goddess.

Me seeing the old Nature Goddess being locked up.

Me meeting Sun Wukong for the first time.

Me training with the Great Sage.

Me being introduced to Macaque for the first time.

Me getting my own realm and meeting the people I would now rule.

Me being chased by Macaque, thinking that he's... different now. More dangerous...

Me saving my realm and being showered with 'thank you's' by the people of the village.

Me thinking that this is the life. That nothing could ruin anything.

Me thinking that nothing could ruin the perfect life that I was living in-

I gasp and shake my head. I pant heavily as the memories of my dream are slipping away. I grit my teeth and try to make the chair upright but it wasn't working. I narrowed my eyes. Why did Macaque bring me here?

"Wukong was right." I mutter. "Only thing he's good for is trouble."

"I dare to disagree..." The voice whispered around the room. "Macaque is very... reliable when something benefits him."

I stop struggling and freeze. "Who are you?" I glare around at nothing.

"Just someone who wants to make the world a little bit better.."

The voice murmured right in my ear. My eyes widen but I see nothing.

"Poor, poor, Ryu."

The voice cooed.

"You're a weak goddess, only made to replace the one that went insane due to her power!"

The voice laughed.

"Oh, your face is priceless."

The voice hissed.

"Is Macaque your friend? Not after what he has done to you, I'm sure."

A grunt could be heard from inside and I struggle to see who it is. But the bonds won't let me move.

"I brought you a little... gift, you could say."

The voice purred.

"Have fun with him~"

And just like that, my bonds disappeared. I rubbed my wrists and sat up, looking around. I wonder what the gift was...

As I was making sure I could move and not get bound again, I heard a noise coming from the other side of the room.

I looked over and saw Macaque trying to push himself up with one arm while holding his other to his abdomen.

He let out a hiss of pain and finally sat up. Macaque closed his eyes and then opened them, looking right at me.

My expression went from embarrassment to sudden hatred. I barred my fangs and my tail swished angrily as I walked over to the dark-furred simian.

"You- You're that weird ass voice's whore, aren't you?" I snarl as I get to Macaque. Not without some struggle of course.

Macaque glared at me. "I'm no ones... whore..." He muttered. "It was just a bargain I made with the Lady and-" He was cut off as I jabbed a finger in his chest.

"Yeah, really helpful information, dumbass. But who the FUCK is this 'Lady' you keep bitching about?"

"Whoa, calm down with the curses, Ryu. No need for any of that.." Macaque chuckled darkly.

I looked at him with a bit of surprise crossing my face, but it quickly turned to embarrassment. "What the fuck are you laughing about?" I hiss and go to slap him, but his tail grips onto my wrist before I can.

"Calm down there," Macaque smirked. "Glad to see that you're a bit worked up."

I flush and pull my hand away. "Why did you bring me here?" I glare at the simian.

Macaque sighed and leaned his head against the wall, wincing in the process. "Like I said, I made a deal the the Lady."

"Uh huh. So you keep saying." I mutter and roll my eyes. "But, who is she?"

Macaque had closed his eyes but opened one to look at me.

"The Lady Bone Demon."

Shadows and Vines: A Macaque and Reader Story.Where stories live. Discover now