Well well well..

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I woke up and immediately didn't know where I was. I was strapped to a chair in a cold, dark room. My fur was messy and my dress was torn slightly. I whimpered. That was my signature dress.. 

As I looked around more, the more I became stressed and scared. One minute I was sleeping peacefully on top of the tree and the next... I hissed as my adrenaline wore off. My wrists had some cuts from the rope constantly rubbing against them. Holy shit was it starting to sting. 

I rocked the chair to see if I could get anything loose. My tail also seemed to be tied. I groaned and hung my head. 

"Fucking chair not-" I stopped and tilted my head. Could I use my powers? I concentrated and tried to summon some kind of evidence of my powers able to be used. Nothing. I squinted at the ground, but still, nothing. I began to rock the chair more and more until it fell to the ground.

My cheek and head hit the hard concrete and I whined from the impact. I focused on a spot on the ground until I didn't feel dizzy. The chair was chipped and one of the legs seemed to have broken off. Greaaaat. I still attempted to try and get the broken and chipped chair upright but nothing was working. 

The tip of my tail flicked back and forth angrily. That seemed to be the only part of my tail not strapped down. I scowled at the ground and lifted my head up. There was a door! I must have been facing away from it when I was sitting upright... but now that I was at a different angle from when I fell... could I scoot? I thought about it but advised against it. If there was someone at the other side and saw me looking like a worm, I would defiantly have it used against me. 

I rested my head down again and was greeted by the musty and moldy smell of the concrete. I coughed and tried to shift so I was facing away from the ground. On my back? My dress was shifting up. On my other side? Yucky floor. On my belly? Fuck no. I sighed, on the verge of tears. Who the hell would want to deal with a Goddess of Nature of all deities? 

I thought of Macaque and how he had been chasing me. Was he the responsible one? He said that he was reporting to 'the lady'... What the fuck. I let my guard down and this is what probably happened because of that. Fucking, dark furred, handsome- what. I shook my head. Handsome? Was Macaque attractive? I laughed, the sound echoing in the room. Attractive? Macaque? Most defiantly. But not after this. Nope! All his attractiveness out the window!

As these thoughts raced through my mind, a laugh echoed alongside mine. I stopped and tensed up. Who...

"Well well well..." A voice that seemed familiar rang around me. "Look what we have here. What was it you said when I 'caught you'? 'What shall you do with me now that you've caught the Goddess of nature'? Is that it? I can't truly remember word for word."

I froze, barely breathing as the voice became more clear. 

"I'm shocked and honored that you let your guard down around me. I'm feeling the same things right now when the Lady told me I could deal with you personally~" The voice purred and I growled, my tail flicking faster with more anger.

"Awww, you're so cute when you're angry. I didn't think that goddess could get angry. After all, what are goddess for other than looking pretty?"

Oh this motherfucker- "Macaque?!" I glared and looked around.

"That's me darlin'. Who else?"

"Why?" I looked around wildly to try and find out where his voice was coming from.

"It's my job, darlin'. " Macaque purred and his voice sounded clearer, more sound. "It's really a shame you fell for my act." 

I jumped in my chair. Well, as much as I could tied down and sideways. Macaque stepped over me and crouched down right in my face. I was still again as his face was slightly over mine, his tail swishing lazily.

"Did I scare you? Sorry about that darling, habit of mine I guess." Macaque smirked.

"You look..." I trailed off. He looked different. Ice covered one side of him as well as his eyes. Macaque chuckled and shook his head.

"Sorry if this scares you. Not really my choice." For a second I though I saw his facade fall. A few expressions passed through his face. Regret? Anger? Remorse? Pity? But as soon as it was there, it was gone. 

"Anyway, you're staying here until the Lady can come and deal with you. She's...occupied at the moment."

"So I have to stay here on the smelly ass ground for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks!?" I scowled as Macaque started to laugh.

"Not at all darlin'. I'll help with that." Macaque flicked his wrist and the chair now had a shadow leg. I was now sitting upright, and was experiencing a head-rush. I hissed as I had to be dizzy for a few seconds. Macaque just purred and walked around me, his tail grazing under my chin, my shoulders, my upper thigh. 

"All better?" He asked from behind me.

"Fuck off." I snarled and Macaque just chuckled. 

"That's no way to say a proper 'thank you' to someone who just made your situation a bit more miserable." He walked in front of me again and leaned in. "Say 'thank you ' or I'm putting you on the floor."

I stared at him not saying anything, not thinking he was serious. Only when I realized he was, was when the chair started to wobble.

I screwed my eyes shut. "I'm sorry! Thank you for helping!" The wobbling stopped and I slowly opened my eyes. Macaque was gone. Maybe he was called away? I sighed and rocked my ankles to keep the blood flowing. I sighed and leaned back in the chair and started to cry a bit. It was silent, of course. I didn't know if Macaque was in the shadows or not, watching and waiting. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I tried to. muffle my cries. It worked. Kinda.

I felt hopeless. Alone. Scared. I was awaiting my fate for this 'Lady' to come. I shivered and felt exhausted. I soon closed my eyes and went into a fitful sleep, just waiting. Waiting for anything to happen. Waiting for answers.


                                                                    Macaque P.O.V

I watched as Ryu cried silently, my fur bristling. I hated how I spoke to her. Hated how I had to trick her. hated that I had to do this stupid thing. The Lady didn't even tell me her plans for the goddess. Just 'Find her and bring her here. You can handle her until I come back.' Come back from what? Hell if I knew. 

I lurked in the shadows as you tried to muffle your sobs, the attempt only working partly. Oh how I wished to go there and soothe her, tell her everything was going to be all right. I had called her 'darling', to try and make her feel better. But I feel it just made Ryu angrier. 

I sighed and went away. Away from Ryu and away from the room, pissed and angry. I wanted this deal done and over. I wanted it over so I could be with Ryu and apologize. I didn't care if she didn't forgive me. I just wanted to apologize. I portal-ed back to my place and shivered as I felt her hold weaken. By the time I got to a mirror, I was back to normal.

I went to a not-so-welcoming sleep, the dreams beckoning like hunger shadows that fed on the weak. The sad. The angry. I felt all of those things. I dreamt that Ryu was taken away, further than where she was now. My tail lashed angrily but I couldn't do anything. I could only stand and watch as you were dragged away. Away from a life you could've lived. 

                                                       Dragged away from me.

Shadows and Vines: A Macaque and Reader Story.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora