Norman has a beautiful looking journal in his hand and Herbert has what appears to be an empty syringe.

"We got you this." Norman says handing you the journal. It's a hard covered journal in your favorite color with a floral pattern. Written on the inside cover is a small note in cursive.

'A very special journal for a very special person'

"And I got you this," Herbert says, handing you the syringe. Looking closer at it you now see that it's actually a pen. You click the plunger and out comes a pen tip. You smile and stand up.

"Thank you both very much." You say, giving Norman a hug. He lightly hugs you back and you go to give Herbert a hug when you decide to just give him a hand shake instead. He seems to appreciate that. Your phone starts to ring and you pray it's Tommy. Looking at the caller ID you know who it is. You don't even bother taking the call away from Norman and Herbert.

"What the hell do you want?" You ask. Norman presses his lips together tightly and walks back inside, but Herbert stays with you.

"I wanted to wish you a happy birthday. And a reminder to come visit me today. Maybe bring over something for us to celebrate with." Ghostface says in his distorted voice. You scoff. But an idea forms in your mind.

"I think I can manage that actually. Don't expect me to put much effort into making it for you though." You say, giving Herbert a look.

"Oh come on doll. Just have that cannibal make something sweet for us. And remember, I'm watching." He hangs up after that and you put your phone back in your pocket.

"I have an idea. Could you taste sedatives in cookies?" You ask Herbert. He glances down and thinks for a moment.

"If you put in the sedatives after you make the cookies then I think you couldn't taste them. It also depends on where you put them. I assume you're going to use this against that man." He says in his usual monotone voice. You nod your head.

After more planning with Herbert, Will, and Norman getting Hannibal out of the house to go shopping for your birthday dinner, you work with Herbert on making the drugged cookies, drugged enough to have Ghostface overdose if he eats an entire one. You made sugar cookies with two colors of frosting, one your favorite color, and one a grayish black. The black ones are drugged enough so if you eat an entire one, within 20 minutes you're gone. You grab a carton of milk and put your cooking in a container. After recruiting Thomas to go help you, you make your way into the woods.

"Now stay at the end of the path or near it. Don't come after me unless I scream your name alright?" You ask, looking up at him. He nods and walks alongside you, but he keeps himself just a few steps ahead. Despite trying to keep your nerves down you can't stop yourself from shaking a little with anticipation. Thomas notices this and holds your hand lightly in his.

You reach the path and let go of Thomas's hand, beginning your walk down it. The path is significantly less creepy during the day. But a shiver still runs up your spine.

You push open the cabin door and look around for somewhere to set the milk and cookies down. You walk into a room and find a table and chairs waiting for you, along with a card. You set them down and open the card. It's a vintage valentines day card again.

Happy birthday to my obsession

It reads. You scoff and set it down. There's a quick camera flash and you squint your eyes before you see Ghostface emerge into the room.

"Glad to see you listened. I knew it wouldn't kill you to be obedient." He says, taking a picture of the milk and cookies.

"Don't talk to me like I'm some kind of dog. Now let's get this over with." You huff, sitting down and picking up a safe cookie. Ghostface does the same.

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