Jingle bells

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A/N: This is more of a commercial Christmas celebration because I know that not everyone is religious. Also warnings for past mentions of physical and sexual abuse against reader, doesn't go too into detail but everything past that is more fluffy. Not proof read

After breakfast you parted ways with Carrie, Norman and Herbert. Carrie and Norman said they were going to a church service and that they'd be back soon. Brahms said he wanted to play and you accepted. You're still a bit put off by how this man who you assume to be late 20's is still acting like a child. It doesn't help that he can do a great impression of a child's voice. You're sat in the largest room downstairs, the one with the Christmas tree. You're not too sure on what to call it.

You're on the floor with Brahms playing checkers. You're letting him win, you don't want to see what he looks like when he's upset.

"So Brahms, what are you hoping to get for Christmas?" You're not a very religious person. Never usually celebrating any holidays.

"We never usually do gifts. But Hannibal and Will often get us something. I'm hoping for a new toy. Playing the same games over and over isn't much fun." You nod and move a checker.

"Well I'm sure you'll get a new game to play Brahms. I'm used to not getting anything for Christmas so I won't be missing out on much." Brahms tilts his head at this.

"Did your parents never get you anything?" He asks. You shake your head.

"It's just my ex boyfriend never got me anything really. I'm fine with it though, I don't really need gifts." You move another Checker.

"I think you deserve at least something," Brahms says, "If you could have anything for Christmas what would it be?" He asks. You pause at this. Unsure what to say. But before you even have to say anything you see someone out of the corner of your eye. It's Bubba, smiling and wearing a different skin mask. Looking at it makes your skin shudder. This time it looks like a woman's face. With curly black hair in a 50's style updo and makeup on it. You give him a friendly wave, trying to conceal your worry and turn back to the checkers board.

"Well going back to my cabin would be a great gift if you ask me." Footsteps approach and soon Bubba is sitting next to you and Brahms on the floor.

"Why don't you want to stay with us Y/n?" He asks. You know the real answer to his question. Because there's 11 homicidal maniacs in this house who could kill you at any moment. You feel yourself start to sweat. Then you think back to life with River. How he treated you and what he did to you. What would happen if you said no. How you begged him to stop and leave you alone and how he always made it your fault. It never got to the point of actual sexual assault, but it was most surely sexual abuse. Would the men here do that to you? You never heard about them raping women but what if it did happen.

All these thoughts swimming around in your head makes you start to cry. Soon turning into full on bawling. You're trying to contain how loud you're being but those awful memories keep coming back to haunt you. You feel a hand go on your shoulder and you push it away. You get up and walk back to your room. Once inside with the door shut you lay on your bed and cry into the pillows. You can still feel his hands on your, the words he said to you, how he made you hurt. Even now with him gone you can't escape what he did to you. God you wish he would just drop fucking dead.

Your breathing gets rapid and shallow when you hear your door open. You can't move your eyes away from the ground and you're starting to make loud gasping sounds. You feel like you're going to suffocate. Soon Will walks in and crouches down to look at you.

"Y/n," He says, "Y/n I think you're having a panic attack," You can only loudly gasp for air in response. Will avoids touching you, standing back up and walking over to the door, "I'm going to put an ice pack on your neck ok? It's going to help you calm down." He says before you feel the cold sensation of it on the back of your neck.

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