Who knows what love is

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Warnings: Unconsenual touching

Will and Hannibal help you stand up with your crutches. Brahms is there too, you assume because he's very strong and could catch you if you fall. It still hurts trying to walk on your own, but the crutches help.

" Is this a comfortable height for you?" Hannibal asks. You nod taking a few steps.

"I think this is good. I feel comfortable walking." You keep it slow as you move around the room. You feel a little awkward being watched like this but it's better than being all drugged up.

"Well I think you're ready for your new room." Will says looking to Hannibal who agrees. They lead you out of their room and into the hallway, now lit with warm sunlight. The entire house looks different now. It looks less scary and more inviting, almost as if a bunch of serial killers don't live here. They lead you to a door by the stairs. Will opens it for you and you're greeted with a small room with light pink walls. There's a twin mattress pressed against a wall, a white dresser with a mirror, a vanity and a closet built into the wall. The bed has floral sheets and a white rod iron frame, matching the dresser and desk.

You notice your suitcase sitting on your bed. You know they opened it before but it's still nice they're letting you really fill out your own space.

"This was Carries room before she moved to a bigger one. I hope you don't mind how small it is." Hannibal says letting you walk in. You look around the room. It's a very plain room. You can see how Carrie used to stay in here. You sit down on the bed and move your suitcase down.

"Thank you both. I'll be sure to ask if I need anything else." Will and Hannibal leave and shut the door. You take a deep breath and relax. You finally have a feeling of privacy. Something River never understood. You adjust your seated position and you pick back up your small suitcase. Opening it you take out the few folded clothes you have with you. You pull out the covered hunting knife you brought with you. Along with rope, duct tape, matches, a lighter, and other important documents you packed up. You managed to sneak a few vintage framed prints you bought. A little something you wanted to use to brighten up your new cabin.

You look around the room on where to put the item. A thought crossing your mind on how you can use them to escape. But those thoughts quickly turn into ones about the three large men you know live here. And the other three men you have yet to meet. You put the lighter in your pocket and gather the other hunting items. You limp over to the dresser and put them in a random drawer. You take the important documents and place them carefully in another drawer. Opening the drawers brings a smell you've come to associate with antique store and vintage clothing. It's something similar to a grandma sent, although you do find that you enjoy it. Now really looking at all of this, the furniture does seem to be vintage. You're curious as to when it was made. Maybe Hannibal can tell you.

But for now you go back and grab your crutches. Putting them under your arms and grabbing clothes to put away. There's not much here, about four days of clothes in all, so your dresser and closet look very bare. Maybe you should ask someone about spare clothes. There's a knock on your door and you call out for them to come in. Carrie opens the door and smiles. She's holding a large box in her hands.

"I thought I could bring you some things to decorate your room with."

"Thank you Carrie you can place it on my bed." You walk with her to your bed and she sits with you while opening the box. I side you can see drawing of sheep and other various animals, all done in pastels and light colors.

"These were mine, but they've just been sitting in the attic for awhile now. There's more things in the attic too if you'd like to take a look." You nod while picking up a picture frame. You can see how this is Carries. But what you can't see is her killing her mother. Pushing that thought aside you turn your attention back to her.

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