Locked inside a heart shaped box

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Hello everyone! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to post but I'm recovering from autistic burnout and trying to be gentle with myself. But I'm on summer break and I have a lot of free time to write now, so expect another chapter late June/ early July. Thank you to everyone for all of the love and support on this fic I really appreciate it. Votes are always great but comments are amazing and I love reading them.

Warnings: Kind of gore, swearing. Mentions of past abuse, violence, sa, murder, and cannibalism. Stalking, hurt/comfort, and let me know if I missed something

 Hannibal has noticed your declining mental state over the past few days. You never told him about what happened with Ghostface. You haven't told anyone anything yet, but when Hannibal suggested a walk in the woods you jumped on the opportunity. To keep the walk quieter you went with Jason and Carrie. You waited until you were deeper in the woods to talk to Carrie while Jason was nowhere to be seen.

"Can I tell you something? And when I tell you this I don't want you to tell anyone else about this alright?" You give her a serious look and she nods, "When I went out to the store a while ago I ran into the Ghostface killer. He found my number and he's been calling me ever since. It's been really bothering me and I just can't handle all of this anxiety." You two stay silent for a moment as sticks break and crunch under your walking feet.

"Well we should tell someone about this. Not the police but someone at home. If we tell Hannibal he can-"

"I don't want to tell anyone else about this. The last time I opened up about my life and what happened to me I killed my ex boyfriend."

"He deserved it," Carrie says softly, "Everyone agrees that he deserved it. I know the lord smiled down on you when you finally ended him." You look over at her while she keeps her eyes on the ground. You've noticed that about Carrie, she doesn't like eye contact.

"Well he deserves to be in pain. I'm just trying to move on from him and heal from all of that but it's so hard when I have a different douchebag calling me every night and taunting me about everything. He's been watching me too. Whenever he calls he's mentioned something I've done that day," You hear a loud snap in the distance. You and Carrie pause and turn around. A few moments later Jason emerges onto the path with logs of firewood in his arms, "Do you need help carrying that Jason?" You ask. He shakes his head and walks past you and Carrie.

"How about this. Next time he calls we get Herbert to trace the calls location. He's a smart science guy and I'm sure he'll be able to help. We can say that it's some random guy who's been bothering you." Carrie says as the two of you continue your walk. You take a deep breath and shrug your shoulders.

"I guess that will work. I just need some time to think about this. The last thing I want is another murder on my hands," You look around the woods before you spot a strange trail of flowers laying on a heavily wooded path. You tap Carrie's shoulder and she looks over too. The flowers are fresh and go on for however long the other path is. You hold onto Carrie's arm and look over at her, "Let's hope it's some couples anniversary and get out of here." She nods and you two both make your way back to the house. But you make a mental note to bring back Jason or Michael to check it out.

When you're in the back yard you see Jason stacking the firewood and Norman watering the garden. You walk into the house and head for the kitchen. Carrie walks over to the stairs. You enter the kitchen and find it empty surprisingly, considering that Hannibal cooks for hours every day. You grab a glass and fill it with water and drink it down quickly. You hear a knock at the door and you freeze. You don't see anyone else around so you put on your best 'I'm not living with a bunch of murders' face and open it.

When you open the door no one is there. You look at the ground and find a heart shaped candy box, like on you'd see on valentines day. You bend down and pick it up. There's a small note on the top of the box. You flip it open and read it.

House of horrors remakeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin