Weird Science

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Warnings: Strong language, consentual and unconsentual drugging, readers kinda being held captive now, mentions of past abuse on reader, not proof read

You wake up hours later as the sun is starting to set. You still feel a little loopy but otherwise you're feeling fine. You notice a man wearing a flannel shirt sitting on the bed, facing away from you. 

"Excuse me?" You call out. The man turns back to you and smiles. He gets up and walks over. 

"Hello Y/n. I'm Will, Hannibal's husband. It's nice to finally meet you." 

"It's nice to meet you too Will. But can you get Hannibal please I need to use the restroom." 

"Oh of course, I'll be right back." He leaves the room and you sit up. You pull back the blanket you're under and carefully roll up your pant leg to look at your injury. It's pretty nasty. You've got countless stitches and the entire area is very bruised. You wonder if you'll even be able to walk again. 

Soon the door opens again and in walks Will and another, shorter, man. He's wearing 80's style glasses and he's dressed very formal. 

"Hello Y/n. My name is Herbert West. Hannibal is out at the moment but I myself am a doctor so I can help," He holds out your hand for you to shake and you take it. He looks down at your leg and frowns, "Well I'd say you can't properly walk on that for the next week. I'll make sure to get you crutches soon. But in the mean time we're here to help." 

"But I don't want to be seen, you know naked." 

"Oh no we're just going to help you into the bathroom," Will explains, "We don't want to make you uncomfortable." 

"Yes well that or a bedpan. Maybe a catheter." Herbert says. 

"No no just help me up please." You remove the blanket and Will picks you up bridal style, careful of your leg. You assume Herbert is there just in case something bad happens. Will carry's you over to one of the doors and Herbert opens it for you. Inside is a very expensive, lavish bathroom. Will helps you onto the toilet and Herbert watches out for your leg.

"We'll be just outside alright?" Will says. You nod and they leave. You do your business and Will helps you wash your hands before you're back on your bay window bed. 

"I hope you don't mind but I have a few questions for you Mx. L/n." Herbert says pulling up a chair. Will's sitting on the bed while Herbert rolls up a sleeve of your sweater. Your IV was removed while you were asleep but the bruises and scars are still left from your ex. 

"What are the questions about Dr. West?" 

"Your scars. They're not self-inflicted are they?" You feel like you've just tried to dry swallow a large pill. A huge lump is in your throat and you feel like you can't speak at all. You just shake your head, "Of course. Judging by the placement and type of scars I'd assume someone put out their cigarettes on you. Am I correct?" Tears prick at your eyes and you look away. 

"Mr. West I'd rather not talk about this. Those scars are from a stupid bet I did with a friend nothing more." You can sense they know you're lying. He simply nods and pulls down your sleeve. 

"Well then, I'll be back soon to give you more morphine." Herbert puts the chair back and leaves the room. You silently start to break down and Will walks over. 

"Are you ok Y/n?" You sniffle and wipe away tears. 

"I just need a moment please." He nods and leaves the room too. Once he leaves you start to bawl. You can't hold back the tears that are flowing. Why did you have to go chase that dog? Why did you have to get caught in that bear trap. Why did you get yourself into this whole mess. You start to get a headache from crying. You lay yourself back down and shut your eyes. You don't care how much sleep you get you just need to get any kind of sleep. 

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