Dancing Queen

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A/N: Hello everyone, I'm back to posting a new chapter, I'm trying to upload at least once a month so I hope y'all don't go too long without a new chapter. I added a few new characters in this. One I'm making a love interest and the other I'm not sure about. But please let me know who you want to see more of in this or just comment anything nice. I love getting comments from y'all. Also let me know if I missed any warnings on this chapter. 

Warnings: Gun use (reader learning to use a gun), cat calling, murder, mentions of past rape threats and mentions of suicide, stalking mentions, threats of violence and blackmail/ manipulation. Again if I've missed anything let me know

"Will I'm scared to do this. I've never shot a gun before." You're at the shooting range with Will. Gun in hand, noise canceling headphones on and protective glasses on too.

"You'll be fine Y/n. Don't worry. I'm right here to help you. Now lift up your arms and aim for the target," Will helps gently lift up your arms and helps you aim for the target, "Now I want you to press the trigger and shoot the target for me." You take a deep breath and shoot off the gun. You jump a bit at the recoil and set the gun down before turning to Will and covering your face with your hands.

"I really just shot a gun oh my god I really just did that." You turn back around and pick up the gun again. You lift up your arms and shoot some more until the gun is empty. You spend the next two hours with Will practicing shooting and learning more about gun safety. Eventually you leave the shooting range and head back into the car.

"Is there anything you need to do while we're still out?" Will asks, getting into the driver's seat of his car. You noticed a small drug store near here on your way into town.

"I need to go pick up some things at the store. I can go in and out really quick." You tell Will already taking off your seatbelt.

"Just be careful on your leg ok? Don't be gone too long or I'll have to go looking for you."

"I promise I won't be that long." With that you get out of the car and start walking over to the drugstore.

"Hey honey!" You hear someone shout, You look around and spot a man who looks to be in his late 20's looking at you from outside a store, "You need some company baby?" He yells over. You try to ignore him and keep walking over to the drug store.

Once inside you start looking for the things Herbert and Carrie asked you to get for them. Carrie just needed some period products, which she had given you written on a slip of paper, as if she should be ashamed to even say those words out loud. Herbert asked for some simple first aid things along with a few energy drinks and dark chocolate. When you asked him why those things all he said was he needed the drinks for an experiment and that he liked dark chocolate. You're busy looking over all the brands of bandages when out of the corner of your eye you spot someone looking at you.

Assuming it's the creep from outside you go to confront him but when you fully turn you're met with a familiar face. You can't place his name but the short blonde hair, pale blue eyes and sharp facial features make you feel guilty for not knowing his name.

"I'm sorry but are you Y/N L/N?" He asks. That voice brings back memories. Names start floating in your head. Tim? Trevor? Terrance? Tommy? That last one seems to ring a bell.

"Yes I am. Is your name Tommy?" He smiles and holds out his hand.

"It is. I'm Tommy Jarvis, you probably don't remember me but we went to high school together." Then it all comes flooding back to you. You met Tommy your first year of high school. He was a sophomore and you were a freshman. You two stayed friends up until your first year of college when you met River. Now a feeling of guilt weighs like led in your gut.

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