09 : You Can't Stop What's Coming

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"But you could also do it like a lot more times." Tara said.

Chad nodded and was about to kiss her again, at least before someone in a ghostface mask came and stabbed her in the back.

Third POV


ara screamed as she stabbed and fell back in pain. "Tara!" Chad yelled. Ghostface swung at him but he ducked. Chad then came back up and grabbed ghostface's arm, making the knife hit the bar.

Chad then swung ghostface into a glass container. Ghostface was stunned for a moment before they swung at Chad again. Chad ducked and then came back and punched ghostface in the face.

Ghostface fell to the ground and Chad kicked him in the stomach. Ghostface laid there holding his stomach as Chad ran to Tara.

"Tara, let's go. Come on, come on!" He yelled as he helped Tara to her feet and rushed towards the door. As he opened the door Sam was there. They all three screamed, not expecting each other.

"Come on! Go, go, go!" Chad screamed as they all ran out.

"It's Kirby! She's the killer!" Sam informed them.

"No shit!" Chad said, as he rushed to the front door.

"That's locked. Come on!" Sam told him as the rushed to the stage full of costumes displayed.

"We're trapped?!" Chad asked with a bit of a voice crack.

"She made this whole theater a kill box, for us." Sam said, stating the obvious.

Tara then looked up and pointed at an exit. "Hey what about that? There's an exit door! Maybe it leads to the roof or something?"

Sam and Chad looked at it. "There's only one way to find out. Let's go." Chad said

"Bailey's on the way, but-"  Sam started to say before Ghostface jumped out. Ghostface swung at Tara as she fell to the ground. Then Sam as she tumbled back and dropped her knife. Ghostface started to swing at Chad but missed and sliced off a mannequins head.

"Beheadings!" Chad yelled as he rammed into ghostface knocking him down. Tara and Sam got back up as that happened. While Chad looked around Sam told Tara to go somewhere else.

Sam and Tara fled as Chad grabbed and old video recorder. "Smile for the Camera, mother fucker!" He then hit Ghostface in the head with it.

Chad caught up with the other two and started running through a hall with (possibly another) ghostface running at them.

Chad looked back and threw what he had at ghostface. "Get fucked!"

As they circled back to where they were a few minutes ago Chad knocked down the popcorn maker in front of Ghostface. Ghostface stepped over and stepped in front of Chad.

Ghostface swung at him, but missed. Then again, another miss. Chad was now against a wall as Ghostface was about to stab him, Sam and Tara pulled Ghostface back.

Sam and Tara held Ghostface's arms as Chad shoved him back. Ghostface struggled to get out of their grasp but almost did before Chad punched him in the head. Ghostface fell down and Tara kicked him in the head. Ouch... That's gotta hurt.

"Tara!" Sam yelled.

"Go! Go!" Chad yelled as he grabbed a heavy glass container. He was about to hit Ghostface over the head, when all of a sudden he was stabbed in the side.

[Pov Change]


uck you. I stabbed him in the side as he was about to hit the other Ghostface. The 3rd ghosface kicked him as he now fell forward. You'll kill him. I watched as Chad fell to the ground in pain. He dropped what he was holding and held his side.

"No!" I heard Tara scream. Yes, watch as I kill him. Sam held her back as the 1st Ghostface got up. He then walked over as I raised Chad to his feet. Now both of us were holding him as Tara screamed again.


We three ghost faces stabbed Chase over and over again as Tara screamed. Oh god it's been forever, this feels like sweet revenge for real. Wait... Have I lost it?... No, I mean... Of course not. Ugh fuck this.

I started to stab him harder. Blood came out his mouth as looked at Tara and said, "Run..." They both looked like they were on the verge of crying.

Tara still screamed as Chad calmly told her to, "Go..."

I then pulled my knife out as the other Ghostface pulled their knife out too. We both let go of him and watched him fall back. Should be dead. In sync we both turned and wiped the blood off knives. Tara and Sam ran out. I went one way, and the other two Ghostface another.

The other two went the way the first one came. One jumped out through a curtain. The other went to the opposite side where the ladder was. I then walked in front of them as we each blocked them in. As they ran towards me, I moved my knife as a no. The one behind them pointed at them. The other stared intently at them.

Sam grabbed two bricks and gave one to Tara. Tara was scared. "oh, Sam!!" Tara was crying.

"Ready?" Sam asked. Tara continued breathing heavily too. "I need you to be ready. Ready?" Tara still didn't answer. Sam then turned to her. "Look at me." Sam told her and Tara looked at her.

"I'm ready." Tara told her as she calmed down.
"Come on, motherfucker!!!" Tara yelled towards me. We heard gunshots as we all ducked. Me and the other two Ghosfaces ran off.

"It's okay!" Kirby yelled pointing her gun where the Ghosfaces were last seen.

"Stay the fuck back!" Sam told her. Kirby started walking down the stairs.

"We know it's you Kirby!" Tara told her.

Kirby pointed to where another once was. "One of them knocked me out."

Oops, that was me, my bad. Sorry, Not Sorry.

"Kirby, stop! Get away from the girls!" Bailey yelled as he was now in the theater. They both pointed each other's guns at the other.

"What are you doing?" Kirby asked him.

"Did you kill Quinn? Did you kill my daughter?" He asked.

"Jesus Christ!" Kirby yelled shaking as she still pointed her gun at him. "Whatever he's been saying to you, don't listen to him!" Kirby told the girls. "He's probably the killer."

Quinn then appeared behind him making it look like she was gonna stab him. Of course she was in costume shh.

"Behind you!!" Kirby screamed. Bailey then shot her.

Quinn lowered her knife, as Bailey lowered his gun.

"Great job." Bailey said as Ethan walked to his side. I then walked up behind the girls. Bailey looked at me then to Ethan. "The three of you."
Sam & Tara looked behind them and jumped slightly. They then looked back in front of them.

"You?" Tara asked Bailey.

"Yeah, of course me. Frankly I expected more from the two of you, after what you did to us."

"What do you mean, "us" ?" Sam asked.

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