02 : Trying To Flee

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We all sat around the TV. I was sitting on the floor. Next to Ethan, except he was on a chair. Chad then rushed towards to the stairwell.

"Sam! Get up here!" I heard him yell as I sat on the floor watching TV. She quickly ran up.

"I am standing in front of the apartment building--"

"What's going on?!" Sam asked as came into the dorm. Chad pointed to the TV.

"where the mutilated bodies of two students--" The reporter on TV spoke. Oh? He's talking about what I did. Nice, I said proud but hid it.

"Cute boy. Nice.", Quinn said as she noticed the guy across from us walk in. Sam turned and saw him, then back to the TV.

"were discovered. Their names have just been released by the police. Jason Cravey and Greg Bruckner."

"Holy shit, that's the Chode from our Film Studies class. The one obsessed with Argento." Mindy said with her arm around Anika.

"Also found at the scene, were various ghostface costumes. A character popularized by the Stab movie franchise." The four from Woodsboro turned and looked at each other. Heh, fuckers.

Sam then spoke up. "Pack a bag, we leave in ten."She said walking off.

"Wait! Sam! Wait." Tara yelled out to her sister.

"We're getting out of the city." Sam told Tara.

"What?" Sam's boyfriend questioned.

Chad then spoke to him. "Thank you very much, suspicious new guy. But we got it from here." He told him as he grabbed onto him pushing him out. "Have a good night get home safe. Go, go, go!."

"Wait! Sam!" Tara yelled at her sister, not wanting to leave. Sam grabbed a knife walking away, ignoring Tara.


"No! Wait! Let's talk about this for a second! Cause this may have nothing to do with us!" Tara told her sister. It has everything to do with you, but sure. Whatever you say.

"Are you serious?"

"It's a big city!" Tara stated. "It's Halloween! Everybody's wearing masks! You don't know!"

"Tara, this isn't a coincidence. You knew him!" Sam stated.


"Chad, Mindy, back me up!"

"It is a little bit..." Chad started.

"Close to home.", Mindy finished.

"See." Sam said.

"Quinn, your dads a cop, right?" Tara said to Quinn as she turned to her. "Can you call him and find him what's going on?" She then turned back to Sam. "Before you make the undarault decision to abandon my college education and flee the fucking state!" Tara yelled at Sam.

"I'm.. calling him now.", Quinn told Tara.

"Thank you."

A phone then ran, and everything was quiet. Uh, this is awkward. Y'all are weird.

"Who is it?", Tara asked.

"Why did everyone just freak out when her phone rang?" Ethan asked. Okay, 'oblivious' boy. Mindy gave him a look, as everyone stare at him.

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