05 : Memory Lane

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(Long Chapter, 2500+ words, enjoy~)

As I was walking with the gang or whatever you call them. I was looking around. I remember where we're going. I broke down when I saw stuff that belonged to my dad. During the final act I'm totally dressing up in my dad's shit. Since I'm Stu's daughter, I claimed his mask. I let Quinn see my mother's mask though. Yeah, she was a ghostface. Though she killed herself with the guilt after I was born. She barely had anything to do with the killings though. She was basically their clean up crew.

I stayed quiet as they spoke at the place. I just looked around. As they were walking around I kinda awkwardly made my way to my dad's stuff.

I then touched his coat he wore. The fall of 1996. Heh, now for me, it's the fall of 2023. Maybe I should've waited 3 years. The fall of 2026. Has a ring to it. 30 years later. I'm gonna make sure I survive this shit to live for 3 more years.

I then walked towards Ethan. He then spoke up to Chad and Mindy.

"Uh, why am I here exactly. My alibi checks out." He told them.

"So I can keep an eye on you. Roomie." Chad told as Mindy did they I'm watching you shit. I sighed as they walked off.

I then looked at Ethan. "Has anyone ever told you that you have a nice smile?"

"I-" He stuttered not expecting that. "Well no not really." He said.

"Oh, well your smile is cute, especially like your little fangs that you have, you know? So cute" I told him smiling as I looked up at him.

He then smiled. "Thank you y/n." He said. I nodded and walked around.

We each stood in front of a ghostface costume. I stood in front of my dad. Holy shit he was a tall 17 yr old.

"So, somebody killed these chucklefucks, and took over?" Chad asked.

"Somebody who believes Sam mastermind Woodsboro." Gale said.

"If this were a normal Stab movie, this would be the killer's lair." Mindy said.

"Which means this isn't a normal Stab movie.", Kirby said.

"Orr, maybe it is, and the killers aren't here? Like the owner are dead. But what if-" I said starting to ramble on. I then realized everyone was staring at me. Especially Mind & Chad.

"Oh c'mon! I can't say one thing without being suspicious, can I? Wait does the mean I'm a suspect-?!" I said annoyed.

Tara then walked away. Mindy sat down in front of the TV that fell on my dad.

"TV that killed Stu Macher." Kirby said as she sat down.

"If you believe he's dead.", Mindy told her. Oh, boy just wait.

I then zoned outta that conversation. After that I walked over to Ethan.


After that we went to a quietly place away from the others. We made the others weren't gonna find us. That's then when we uh. Well here. We went to the bathroom.

I had pushed Ethan against a wall, and started kissing him. He was also kissing me back. My arms were hung around his neck and shoulders as his hung around my waist. I moved my hands down to his pants and unbuckled his belt and pants.

I could tell a surge of pleasure rsn through him as I touch him intimately. "Ahh...you're so beautiful," he whispered as he leaned in deeper to me harder "And I love you so much..." He said parting away to speak, before kissing me again.

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