07 : Public Kills.

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Travel in public. The more people around you, the less chance he has to take a shot at you before you get there.

Your Pov

As we were all down the stairs to the subway I was holding onto Ethan's hand, so I wouldn't get lost. He then spoke up.

"Is this even a good plan?" He asked the group.

"You don't have to come if you don't want to." Tara told him.

"So we just peel off and the killer picks us off one by one? No thank you." He said as we all walked down the staircase.

"let's just get to the theater. C'mon, in here." Sam said as we followed her.

"Ah, yes because it'll be much less scary in the serial killer movie theater." Chad said follow Sam.

"Killer's territory, nice." I said, following Ethan.

A lot of people then started coming and got in front of Mindy, Ethan and Me. This caused a distance to grow between the rest.

"Fuck." Mindy said as she started slightly shoving people and yelling for her brother.

"Hey! Fuck! Chad!" She yelled for him, as more people started coming.

"Tara!" Mindy yelled as she saw Tara. Tara then looked towards her.

I personally stopped moving. I hate crowed areas. I then let go of Ethan's hand and moved away to a slightly less crowded area. God why one of the busiest cities.

I still heard Mindy and the other trying to get gather again. As Mindy was about to go in Chad was shoved inside and the door shut. Mindy hit the glass. "Fuck!" She exclaimed. She then stepped back as the subway started to leave. As it let she let out a quiet "Fuck."

I then went up to Ethan. "There you are." Ethan said smiling.

"Yea." I said also smiling. "Yo, wanna scare Mindy." I said pointing to her.

"Oh hell no." He told me.

"Well then let's go regroup with her." I said as I took his hand and walked towards her.

I then placed my right hand on her left shoulder, as Ethan placed his left hand on her right shoulder.

"Oh god!" She exclaimed as I felt her jump as she quickly looked behind her towards us. she then fixed her bag and spoke up. "Get your ghostface's ass away from me, ghostface." She then walked away. Me and Ethan watched, staring at her.

Me and Ethan kept looking at her until she stopped and looked back at us. She then put her arms up. She then brought them back down and using her right hand with a shoo motion she spoke up again. "Go awayyy."

I then looked in front of me following Ethan's actions. Mindy then pulled out her phone and started texting someone. Most likely Chad.

After a few minutes another train came and we boarded it. I had my headphones on as I was listening to "Francis Forever". I also knew Quinn has been following us dressed as ghostface. I looked up and saw Ethan staring at her. I shook my head and waited for Mindy to fucking die. Some person dressed as Ghostface came up and scared her. She then moved away. I saw Ethan following so I followed him too.

More people started boarding the train as Mindy went out of view. I then looked up at Ethan.

"Don't bother, it'll only raise suspicion." I said. He then looked at me and spoke up.

"Okay..." He whispered. I then quickly placed a kiss on his lips.

The lights the flickered as I saw Quinn look at Mindy. They flickered again and Quinn was now facing towards Mindy. I stared for a bit then looked away.

The lights the flick off for a bit, they come back on a few seconds. Then went off again. For longer.

They then flicked off and Quinn aka ghostface was gone. Then they went off again and Quinn appeared in front of Mindy.

I didn't see what happened to go but I heard Mindy's muffled scream. It was quiet though. The lights keep flickering on and off. The train stopped as people got off. People moved as we were able to see Mindy. Ethan saw first and hit my arm moving to Mindy. Okay so we're acting...

"Oh, shit." Ethan said moving towards her.
"Mindy! Fuck!"

"Fuck. Mindy! Fucking shit." I said, following acting very concerned.

"Shit. Shit. Mindy!"

We then both sat down in front of Mindy as she was holding her stomach. Blood was coming out.

"Fuck. That's a lot of blood." Ethan said.

"Fucking hell." I said as I helped Mindy hold pressure on it.

"Help! Somebody help!" Ethan yelled for help.


Ethan then looked back at Mindy. "We gotta get you outta here, okay?" He said helping Mindy up. I also helped so yk. I put Mindy's other arm over my shoulders. I then helped Ethan get her outta there.

"Shit." I said as we got out of the train.

"Somebody call 911!" Ethan yelled as we carried/dragged Mindy. We then sat her down as she groaned in pain.

"Are you okay?" Ethan asked panicked.

"Yeah, I'm sooo good." Mindy said sarcastically.

I laughed slightly. "You'll be fine, hopefully." I said.

"You're gonna be okay." Ethan said trying to reassure her.

"Yeah." I then cleared my throat. "You'll live." I said applying pressure to her wound.

"God damnit. I got it wrong again." Mindy said. "What The Fuck?" Mindy groaned.

Ethan then saw the medics. "Help!" They then rushed over and called more guys.

"Fuck this franchise."

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