A little thoughtful and a little sad, Naomi looked into the distance.

She did not count the seconds, or perhaps the minutes. Naomi simply clung to the fresh memory to contrast a happier past. She was smiling during the review, at least she thought she was.

"What's with the face?" said Achim.

Unbeknownst to her, the boy had been watching.

Naomi's response was bubbly and awkward, but genuinely curious. "What face?"

She watched as Achim continued to stare. He then filled his mouth with another five grapes before peering into the distance alongside her. He kept his thoughts to himself, much to her sudden concern.

"Don't just not say anything. What's the matter? D-did I do something wrong?"

Achim's sudden chill gave Naomi goosebumps.

She panicked. "I-if you don't like the grapes,  I brought other stuff too. You can have some." The sun-kissed girl hurried to her bag again. "J-just don't be upset."

"Jesus. Relax." Achim snorted. "I was just thinking."

"A-about what?"

Achim rolled his shoulders. "I don't know."

His answer could not have been less comforting if he tried, and Naomi was already sure Achim would not have tried. The dark boy simply reached over her legs - an act that gave Naomi a sudden heat flash- took her backpack, and began digging inside in search of the promised assortment. He pulled out a box of cherries and leered at the little red specs with a grimace.

"...I was just thinking that you're not giving off that insufferable optimism today," said Achim.

He then picked out an apple from the bag, nodded, and bit down after a short inspection. Once the flavor was appraised, Achim nodded again and began to split the fruit down the middle with his bare hands. "...What's the matter with you?" Said Achim.

Naomi blinked back at Achim. "Why would you think that? T-that something's wrong with me, I mean?"

Naomi put on a big bright smile and displayed it before the dark boy. Achim, though, simply gave her a tired glance before rolling his moon white eyes. He remained skeptical. More than skeptical. His look alone called her a liar. Naomi knew that her shining smile was false. Now that he knew it too, the only thing left to do was to be true.

The sun-kissed girl faded completely. Not even her fiery hair seemed immune to her melancholy. Her head went low, her frown lay long, and her bright eyes went dim.

Achim snickered. "And there it is." With his suspicions confirmed, he returned the box of untouched cherries and offered Naomi one half of the apple. "Here. Since you shared with me." 

He laughed? Why? More importantly, why did he see fit to return what she gave him as if he was giving a gift?

Naomi was perplexed by Achim and his fickle mysteries. She peered into his pale eyes, searching for understanding, but it was he who offered his own. All it took was a knowing nod and a word. "...It's fine, Naomi. You're fine."

The sun-kissed girl suddenly felt her heart catch fire. Renewed and aloft with life, she smiled a small smile and accepted the fruit despite her misgivings on him and his strange ways. Naomi ate her half of the apple with a swelling fondness for the one who offered it. Did such a mundane thing always taste so sweet? Naomi did not care to know.

"...Well?!" Said Achim.

The remark was so sudden, and he spoke as if slighted. Had he been expecting something?

Naomi wondered before bonking her noggin. "Oh! Sorry." She clasped her hands together and gave Achim a slight bow. "Thank you for sharing with me. More than that. Thank you for being here, Achim."

"What? No!" The boy remarked. "I don't ' care about that stuff! I asked what was the matter with you because I was being nosy! I asked and you didn't' answer."

"...Oh!" Naomi chirped in embarrassment.

The sun-kissed girl felt her face brim bright red. She stuffed the apple in her mouth, ready and perfectly willing to choke on the fruit and die on the spot. Her chewing was slow, the chances of a gagging death minced to pieces like the food in her mouth. Luckily, by the time the apple was reduced to mush and swallowed, Naomi had already mulled over her answer.

"...I'm sorry," she said. Naomi then clasped her knees and pulled them close to her chin.

"...It's my mom, but it's a long story. I'm sure you don't really want to hear it since you're just being nosy and all."

"...That's the opposite of what being nosy means," said the boy. Achim then ate his apple piece whole.  "Besides, I like long stories,"  he said with a full mouth.

Naomi looked at Achim. "...But we have to search for your brother."

"And we will." He took the time to chew and swallow. "Look, girly. I've spent three years looking for Adlai. I doubt an hour or so would make a real difference in this needle-haystack hunt."

"Needle haystack hunt? What's tha"--

"Not explaining it, city slicker" said Achim. "Now go on. Don't be shy."

"You...really want to hear about me," said Naomi.

Achim scoffed. "What part of 'I'm nosy' don't you understand?"

At that, Naomi's lips curved with a small smile.  She then nodded before twirling her hot red curls. "...Okay." she shyly said. "But only after I've helped you find your brother."

"Whatever," said Achim.

At his aloof response, Naomi laughed. Having gone from reserved to rambunctious in a pinch, the sun-kissed girl exploded to her feet and stood tall for the first time today. Naomi then offered Achim a hand. "Then it's settled then."

Achim smirked. "I suppose it is." He accepted and allowed Naomi to yank him to his feet. It was easy pulling him up. Maybe too easy. Achim rolled his shoulder with a tinge of pain on his brow. "God. You're strong. Too strong."

"Sorry," Naomi said. "I'm ready though! I just have one request, said Naomi.

Achim raised a brow. "Okay?"

"The only condition is that we not be seen by the authorities." Naomi clapped her hands in plea to the dark boy. "Pretty please. I know you said they were helping you, but it would be easier for me if we don't run into any warden agents. It's super important, actually!"

Achim sounded confused and annoyed. "...Was that not the original plan?"

. . .

This was a short chapter, but it marks the official beginning of Achim and Naomi's journey. This drawing is from some years ago, back when used to draw Naomi with straight , or rather less curly, hair.

 This drawing is from some years ago, back when used to draw Naomi with straight , or rather less curly, hair

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