I nod. "Yes, ma'am."

In the evening, I do exactly as Alba instructs. When Alba leaves for her meeting, I head toward Asteria's chambers. I am strangely more nervous than normal. This is a foreign duty to me, but knowing Asteria, I am sure she will make sure I am more than comfortable. So, when I reach her door, I knock quietly.

"Are you ready for dinner, Princess?" I ask.

The door opens a moment later. Asteria emerges in the same gown I dressed her in this morning, but it seems to glow more beautifully on her under the evening light.

"Yes," Asteria says. "Thank you for accompanying me, Fe."

"Of course," I say as I begin to walk beside her. "But, I must ask, why did you not ask Josie to dine with you instead? She is essentially second-in-command to Alba."

"Josie is not a friend like you are," Asteria says quietly.

I nod, feeling strangely warmed by the compliment, even if I know it would drive Alba mad to hear it. As I walk alongside Asteria, I realize that it will be the first time I will see how dinner is served in the estate, as normally I am either only in the dining room to prepare or clean up after a meal. As we step inside, Josie is present, having helped prepare the dining room for Asteria's dinner.

After I pull out the chair for the princess and help her get seated, I take my place and stand against the wall, towards the door. As Josie leaves, she stops near me.

"Everything is ready for dinner," Josie mutters.

"Thank you."

Josie lingers for a moment, then glares at me once more. "I hope you don't forget your place." With that, she slams the door on the way out, and I remain standing, watching as the chefs bring out platters of food to serve to Asteria and members of her royal guard. It bothers me to see such luxurious food being served, but at the same time, my stomach rumbles. I suppose I can see if they will let me have some leftovers after I have finished my duties. Otherwise, I can quickly whip something together once back at the maids' quarters, though it will surely not taste anywhere near as good as the food in front of me.

I watch the chefs carefully pile food onto Asteria's plate before they return back into the kitchen, leaving only Asteria, myself, and two other guards in the dining room. Asteria grabs her fork to dig in, but then she turns her head to look at me. "Won't you join, Fe?"

"Oh. I'm not allowed," I say.

Asteria shakes her head. "Nonsense. Alba eats with me nearly every night. I won't say anything."

Cautiously, I sit down in the empty chair next to Asteria. It feels strange sitting with her and members of the royal guard. I feel uncomfortably out of place, and as I look at the luxurious food in front of me, I think again of Landiani and those who struggle to make ends meet, while the royal family eats like gods.

Still, I cannot draw suspicion, and I am rather hungry, so I hesitantly begin to dig in. The chefs have prepared some sort of chicken dish with roasted vegetables and creamy potatoes. As the food passes my lips, it hurts to admit how delicious it tastes.

"How is it?" Asteria asks.

"Amazing," I admit. I restrain myself from gobbling down the entire plate and instead try to mimic Asteria's own slow eating pace. I still feel unbearably out of place, so I try to start a conversation, just like when Asteria and I are on our garden walks. "Do you have a favorite dish?" I ask Asteria.

Asteria sets down her fork and ponders for a moment. "Not necessarily. Every dish the chefs make here is delicious. Although...there was this chocolate tart with fresh fruit that the chefs in Magewell used to prepare for me. I've always been too afraid to ask the cooks here to replicate it. I am afraid it would not compare."

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