"Yeah, I know how much the medical bill cost because I was there." Jeremiah paused, "How long did you know about this and not tell me?"

Conrad sighed, "Jere, this was all happening so fast. I was going to tell you after I'd taken care of it."

Jeremiah chuckled, "And this is you taking care of it? Going AWOL, ditching school,—"

"Fuck school! I don't care!"

"Connie, you have to go back or you'll fail your class."

"How are you going to become a doctor if you fail out of college, Conrad?" Belly asked.

Olivia didn't know that Belly knew that Conrad wanted to be a doctor. She didn't even know that the two of them were even communicating.

"You have no idea what you're talking about."

"Seriously?" Jeremiah questioned, "We went to Brown to check on your ass. You know what? I didn't think you'd pull this shit again. But you don't give a shit about anyone but yourself." He paused, "Maybe yourself and Olivia."

With that, Jeremiah left the living room and Olivia followed after, giving a small smile towards Belly as she made her way outside.

"Jeremiah." Olivia called, "Jeremiah!"

The boy turned, pausing at his Jeep. It was the first time in almost a year since the two of them had seen each other. She always called, but never answered. She always reached out, but he never replied.

"Why didn't you call me an tell me where he was?" He asked.

Olivia furrowed her brows, "I did. Two days ago. I called and told we would be in Cousins. You didn't answer. I left a voicemail."

Jeremiah's stony facade faltered as he hesitantly pulled out his phone, navigating to his voicemail and finding her name. Olivia's voice filled the space between them, confirming her attempt to reach out to him.

Jeremiah sighed deeply, shoving his phone back into his pocket and not looking up at the girl.

"I'm sorry."

Olivia rolled her eyes, tugging at the ends of her shirt as she approached Jeremiah.

"You're sorry?" She asked, "All year I've done nothing but reach out to you. I called, you never answered. I texted, you never replied. You know better than anyone that I would never keep anything from you."

Jeremiah looked over at the girl. Her eyes danced back and forth across his face before she heavily sighed and sat down on the steps on the house.

Olivia finally looked up, "I know things have been hard, but I've always tried to be there for the both of you and you pushed me away."

Jeremiah remained silent, his emotions all over the place. He knew he had shut Olivia out, but it had felt like the only way to cope with the pain and confusion he was going through. Yet, seeing her sitting there, her vulnerability and honesty laid bare, made him realize that he had hurt her in the process.

"I'm sorry, Liv." He finally whispered, his voice tinged with regret. "I didn't mean to push you away."

Olivia sighed, "I know." She muttered, standing up, "Let's just try to figure things out with the house and get it over with, yeah?"

She didn't wait for his answer as she made her way back inside the house, leaving the boy there alone.

Nothing would ever be the same between Jeremiah and Olivia.

OLIVIA WOKE up that morning, running her fingers through her hair as she made her way downstairs.

There, she spotted Conrad in the kitchen, pressing his hands against the counter as he spoke on the phone.

✓ glimpse of us ミ the summer i turned pretty [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON 3]Where stories live. Discover now