Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!

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Narrator pov

Yn was sitting in class his head down on the desk ignoring the teacher's lecture as usual.

Everything was normal for the most part, Virgil sat beside his friend unable to come to a decision

Should he press yn for being this new super-powered individual? What if Kara finds our yn is the same person

Virgil knew his friend for their whole lives since they were babies. They didn't keep much from each other

Teacher: so for the next 2 weeks my class and Ms Bertinelli's class will be having a trip to the highly acclaim Xaviers school for gifted youngsters

Virgil: ain't that in Salem?

The class erupted and yelled out "road-trip" Yn reluctantly lifted his head to see all the students out of their seats

Yn: yo V what the hell did Dr Palmer say?

Virgil: road trip apparently

Yn: great... Fucking hell

Yn put his head back on the desk going to sleep despite the noise


Yn eyes were bloodshot, and all around kids screamed and yelled. Virgil sat beside him knocked out with Yn's headphones in his ears listing to a song named Rental. Yn sang the hook to himself

Yn: riding on the roof with a dollar sign attached to my head, head, head head, head, head, head, head...


The date was Friday it was 2:45 in the morning the bus was almost to Salem center

Yn groggily looked to the front of the bus and saw his ex-best friend Kara she was talking to her friends.

Yn sighed in boredom, he recalled Virgil asking him what he would do with superpowers

Yn pov

Why did he ask that... he doesn't believe that this school has super-powered people does he, that would be weird

"If it's true how come I haven't heard of it?"

???: because you aren't that bright

"Great... I can't go one day without you berating me?"

???: no

"Are the others staying out of trouble"

I only went on this field trip because I had no choice Virgil's parents are under my slip as guardians they signed his and mine. It would be rude to decline, I just hope the others don't burn my house down

???: you mean your grandma's shitty apartment?

I looked over to the window and saw this demon in my reflection. I wanted to smash it into pieces


3rd person pov

Arriving at the school everyone unloaded off the bus.

Virgil stretched and his bones popped to his own satisfaction. Kara walked off with her friend group, along with Peter Parker and his friends.

Yn got off the bus and couldn't believe his eyes

A kid was flying around the school that looked like a mansion. One kid was throwing a football and running fast enough to catch it,

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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