Ch. 24

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Kasdeya walked back from Copia's room with a slight skip in her step. She was in a good mood, they were leaving tomorrow for the tour and she couldn't be happier. As Kasdeya was rounding the corner, she heard Mountain talking, which made a smile grow on her face. She rounded the corner, going to her mate to freeze completely. She saw him talking with an Earth ghoulette, one that is super pretty, and that has stolen someone's mate in the past but she broke it off.

Kasdeya watched as she placed her hand on Mountain's arm, both of them laughing at something. Her mind started running due to this. Has he changed his mind? I mean no wonder, look at her, she's gorgeous. She's more beautiful than me. But I thought soulmates couldn't get reassigned. Maybe he found a way. Her thoughts kept going as she ran in the opposite direction to find her brother.

"Dew?" She opened his door, seeing her brother messing around on his acoustic.

Dewdrop glanced up at her, "What?" He said while looking back down at his guitar. He did a double take, seeing the distraught look on his sister's face.

"I'm not good enough, I'll never be good enough. Not for anyone. Dad was right, I don't deserve to be loved, I should have never found a mate, a soulmate for that matter! I knew the signs, but soulmates are different. You can't get reassigned, stricter rules with this whole fated shit!" She rambled, pacing back and forth while her brother just looked at her. He had no idea why she was going on about this. She never told him.

"Kas!" Dewdrop shouted gaining her attention, "Why do you think that shit?"

Kasdeya spoke even though she didn't know the full story, "Mountains cheating on me."

Dewdrop only saw red, leaving Kasdeya alone in his room as he hunted down Mountain. He found him parting ways with the ghoulette, anger clouding his vision. "Mountain!" Dewdrop growled, the sudden noise scaring him.

"What?" Mountain asked innocently, Dewdrop scoffing at his tone.

"You know what the fuck you did!" Dewdrop shoved Mountain backward, his human glamour dropped completely. His tail was lashing back and forth as his red eyes glared daggers at Mountain. "You fucking cheated on my sister you piece of shit! SHE'S YOUR FUCKING SOULMATE! How could you do that to her!?"

Mountain looked at Dewdrop like he was crazy, he dropped his own glamour in the process. "What the fuck do you mean?"

"Don't bullshit me!" Dewdrop snarled, barring his fangs as his hands curled into fists. "Kasdeya saw you walking with a ghoulette and chatting up a storm. A ghoulette who happens to be known for stealing mates! You cheating bastard! I should kill you right now!"

Dewdrop lunged at Mountain, getting a few swings at him before Mountain shoved him off. His chest felt cold, a feeling he hasn't had in forever. He was so distracted by it he didn't see Dewdrop coming at him again. This time when Dewdrop attacked Mountain, he burned him by accident. It was bad to the point where he was knocked unconscious. He lost control, and it made the Fire ghoul stop and look at the tall ghoul on the ground. This reminded Dewdrop of his father, he's done this to one of the random ghouls before, but it killed them.

Mountain was passed out and burnt on the floor, his chest rising and falling slowly. Dewdrop ran to the nearest doors, knocking on Alpha and Waters's doors. "Help me," he begged, both of them seeing Mountain on the ground.

"What did you do?" Alpha asked while he grabbed Mountain by the underarms.

Dewdrop picked up one of his legs, Water grabbing the other, "He deserves it, he cheated on Kas."

"What?" Water growled, dropping the leg in his hand, "Why are we helping him then?"

Dewdrop rolled his eyes, "Because he apparently had no idea what I was talking about. And plus, Kas should get a few shots at him."

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