Ch. 18

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"i'd rather be a lover than a fighter, cause all my life i've been fighting" silence -marshmello


"Can that be done?" His voice asked softly, being careful for no one to overhear them.

"It can and it will, he will be able to do something to them that I keep failing to do." Her voice said in a bitter tone, turning to walk into the summoning room.


Kasdeya was walking in the hallway with Mountain - actually, she was on his back as they came back from the pond. It was a hot day, and the church basement was extremely hot, so Kasdeya brought Mountain to the pond because even though she could handle the heat, she knew he would slowly get affected by it. Her eyes were closed, her chin resting on his shoulder as she relaxed. It was suddenly interrupted when Kasdeya's eyes shot open, her body heat flaring up. Mountain stopped walking to look at Kasdeya, feeling panic rise in her.

"Kas, what's wrong?" He asked, gently setting Kasdeya down as he looked at her with concern in his eyes.

She swallowed the lump in her throat, as all the fear she had as a kid returned to her as she stared down the corridor. Mountain turned around, looking for what Kasdeya was seeing. He saw someone standing at the other end, Mountain felt pure anger radiating off of whoever. He was nervous because Kasdeya wasn't moving, wasn't speaking, wasn't doing anything besides looking straight at them.

"Kassy," Mountain grasped the sides of her face, tilting her head to look up at him. Mountain's legs nearly gave out when he saw the tears welting up in Kasdeya's eyes. She was scared. No, fuck that. She was terrified. And he didn't know why. Mountain spun back around, seeing the ghoul now stalking toward them. Mountain placed Kasdeya behind him, hoping his height would scare off the ghoul who was no taller than Rain. "Whoever the fuck you are, get the fuck back," Mountain warned, only making the ghoul chuckle darkly.

"Is that how you treat everyone you first meet on Earth? I mean it's been years since I've been up here, maybe things have changed." His amber eyes glowed dangerously, the resemblance between him, Kasdeya, and Dewdrop strong. "Well, it sure does beat being down in Hell. Now, move the fuck out of my way."

Mountain felt Kasdeya latch onto his arm, her claws digging into his skin, "Get the fuck away from us."

"Imperator was right, she is with an asshole." He glared at Mountain, the corridor growing extremely hot. "I guess my bitch for a daughter always chose the dickheads."


Oh shit.

Mountain looked back at Kasdeya before he turned around to face her father. Just as he did, Jerry threw a fireball at Mountain, launching the Earth ghoul back against the brick wall.

"NO!" Kasdeya screamed, going to run to Mountain but the back of her neck was gripped harshly by her father. He yanked her back, throwing her to the ground. Kasdeya tried her hardest to fight him off but he was always stronger than her. He will always be stronger than her.

Jerry kicked her in the ribs, Kasdeya cried out as she felt the oh-so-familiar pain in her chest. She clutched her stomach after he kicked her there multiple times, tears falling down her face as he abused her in front of her mate. Jerry didn't see Mountain get up from where he lay in pain, not seeing the Earth ghoul come up behind him until he landed a punch straight to his face. Jerry stumbled back, holding his jaw as he spat out blood.

"Not bad, I'm sure if she ever mistreats you you could make her learn." Jerry caught Mountain's punch, connecting his left fist with his stomach. Mountain went to use his abilities to knock Jerry out but he hit him with a fireball before he could get near him. "Coward," Jerry laughed darkly, shaking his head. "Why don't we fight like real men, using our fists instead of powers."

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