He got inside making his way through the living room until he reached the kitchen where his wife was.

As she heard him getting inside she turned around. She just needed to see his suffering expression to understand what had happened. Laura walked closer to him and wrapped him in a big hug as he cried softly in her shoulder.


A few weeks later Tony was walking through a cemetery. Since Cameron's body hadn't been found, there was just a small grave with her name on it.

As he reached the grave, Tony slowly bent down on his knees in front of it.

Cameron Stark
July 12,1984 - December 18, 2012
daughter • agent • friend

Tony looked at the grave writing intensely. It wasn't fair. She was supposed to live an entire lifetime without all the pain she had to go through. He kept thinking that he hadn't had much time with her and there was so much they could have done together.

He wanted to stay strong that day, though. It was January 2013 now, and time flew faster than he thought.

He slowly took the brown paper bag he had taken with him and took something really familiar from it, his arc reactor.
Tony held it in his hand and looked at it with a small smile. It was thanks to Cameron that he decided to get it off. He had seen her life being dragged away so quickly and he wanted to live his own life without having to depend on that reactor.

He was going to live his life fully and always trying to look forward, that's what she would have wanted. Tony looked back at Cameron's grave and slowly placed his arc reactor down, at the foot of the grave.

"I love you 3000...", he said softly as a few tears started to stream down his face. A small smile formed on his face, though, she wanted him to be happy and he'll do anything for her even after her death.


2014, Washington D.C.

"Be careful, Steve. You might not want to pull on that thread", Natasha said as she walked away from the blond haired man everyone knew as Captain America.

After Cameron's death she put herself deeply into work. She did mission after mission until one brought her to the Winter Soldier. She had met him only once, but she knew him mostly thanks to Cameron.

During this fight she was alongside Steve and his new friend Sam, which revealed to be the Falcon. With this fight they found out that Hydra was infiltrated inside S.H.I.E.L.D. , well Natasha and Fury already knew thanks to Cameron's work, but they never did anything but analyze the files she found. They needed more proof and now they could finally use her work, even if that meant that also S.H.I.E.L.D. was going to end.

Now she was at the cemetery where Fury's grave was, well actually his fake grave since he had to fake his death. She remained to talk a bit with Steve before following Fury.

She didn't walk long before reaching Fury. He was standing in front of a grave when he removed his glasses.

Natasha stood beside him looking at the grave aswell, her sister's grave.

"It's been one year, but I still can't believe she's really gone", Fury said speaking up first.

"Well this time she isn't in any long term mission at Hydra", Natasha stated. Fury turned to look at her furrowing his brows.

"You really believe it?", he asked confused.

"Nick, there's plenty of proof", Natasha reasoned not moving her eyes from the grave.

"Well her death was faked before, and her body wasn't found", Fury said.

"Tony said that he saw her getting it by big pieces of rubble and right after basically the whole building. Even if she survived that, she would have been already really weak and she was too deep down in the water. It would have been impossible for her to swim all the way up to the surface", Natasha explained.

"Then, if you're so sure of her death, why can't you let her go?", Fury asked her softly.

"I don't think I'll ever be able to. She was the only real family I had, the only one that had been with me since the beginning...", Natasha said trailing off as tears threatened to slide down her cheeks.

"Well, we managed to make it worth it. All she has done in the past years... Hydra is finally gone, not entirely but it still doesn't have the power it used to have. And Barnes is finally free", Fury said. Natasha just looked at him smiling softly before turning her gaze back to the grave. She slowly crouched down and took something from the pocket of her jacket.

It was an old tape. It had a writing on the front that read "American Pie" and as she turned it around she saw the writing that said "to relive the old times".

Natasha smiled softly at the memories that filled her mind. Since she found Cameron for the first time after becoming a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, they always used to listen to this song remembering their past and that life that seemed so perfect.

Natasha smiled softly and took a deep breath before placing the tape down, near Tony's arc reactor which had been there since he firstly placed it on 2013.

She then stood up and Fury wrapped an arm around her shoulders. He didn't care if he was "Nick Fury", he just wanted to show his emotions for once.

"Bye, Miss American Pie...", Nat whispered, smiling softly.

The day the music died....

A/N: two chapters the same day!! I'm sorry for all this sadness, I'm crying while writing this😭 The final chapter is coming soon <33

Love you all 3000♡

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