I said “I understand”

“The board have spoken and until you can bring in 3 negative tests you can’t play” Jonas said

“Can I still train” I asked

Jonas said “Yes everything else will go as normal”

“Can we not test everyday. Then I will get the 3 tests and more before the Chelsea game” I asked

“I wish it was that simple but they have to be random so you don’t know that they are coming” Jonas said

“There’s nothing I can do then except carry on as normal” I said

“No sorry Dani” Jonas said

“It’s not your fault. I appreciate the faith that you have in me though”

We trained as normal. The players would only talk to me when they had to.

After we were heading in to get changed. Katie McCabe and Caitlin Foord were having a conversation that was loud enough for myself, Leah and Wally to hear as we were walking behind them. Caitlin said “I really don’t like people who think that it is OK to cheat. I’ve worked my whole life to be the player I am maybe others should do the same”

Katie said “I agree. This is a top team they will find out. Let’s hope that they throw the book at her when she fails these tests”

Wally said “you seem sure that she will fail”

Caitlin said “I’m sure that she will fail”

I could see Leah getting angry and I knew that she was ready to say something.

 Then Katie said “well cheaters should be caught. If she’s been doing it her whole life then I’m sure that her own parents would know. Dani drove her parents away. Beth just lost her mum”

That’s when Leah said something “I wouldn’t even finish what you were going to say. Don’t you dare bring Beth or her Mum into it”

Caitlin said “Leah’s right. Dani doesn’t even deserve to be in the same sentence as Beth or her Mum”

Leah was fuming I knew that she was ready to let loose so I had to say something “Just leave it Le, I will prove them all wrong. Then they will be coming to apologise. At least this way I know who my real friends are. Beth doesn’t need us all arguing”

Leah said “ok, your right she doesn’t”

Later in the evening I called Beth. She answered quite quickly she said “hi”

I said “Hi”

She then said “I’m sorry”

“For what” I said

“for not telling you. It was pretty stupid of me” she said

I said “I get why you did it Beth but no matter what is going on with me. I will always be here for you”

“I know. I know that it’s still hard for you after Mya. It wasn’t that long ago that she passed away” Beth said

I said “It wasn’t. But maybe that’s why sometimes it would be better to talk to me. I understand that grief is different for everyone but I know somewhat what you’re going through”

Beth said “I know. You have enough going on with all the media coverage now all the protocols at club and national. You don’t need to worry about me as well”

“I would worry anyway” I said

“I get that because I’m worried about you now. Tell me what’s happening. All of it. Take my mind off my problems for a bit” Beth said

“Like you said loads of talking to the club and national. Media have been trying to contact me but I have been advised not to talk to anyone” I said

Beth said “won’t that make you look guilty though”

“maybe but then I can’t say anything to incriminate myself either. Not that I would” I said

“So how has training been with this hanging over your head” Beth asked

“do you want to know the truth” I asked

Beth said “yeah”

I said “no one really believes me. There is only 1 player who talks to me outside of training except Leah”

Beth said “who”

“Wally. I feel like it’s causing issues with her and Caitlin though” I said

“That’s not your fault though. I don’t understand why they wouldn’t believe you. I know you wouldn’t do that and so does Viv. You have Leah as well” Beth said

I said “yeah and Jordan. She calls everyday”

Beth said “so you sorted things out then”

“Yeah. There is a story to tell but I’ll save that for a face-to-face conversation” I said

“That bad” Beth said

“Not bad. Just different” I said

Beth said “I will look forward to that conversation. I have to go but we will talk again soon”

I said “ok. Love you Beth”

She said “Love you too always”

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