Sasuke chuckled, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "You wish, Y/N. But hey, if you need any advice, just ask. I'll make sure to give you some tips on how to keep up with my level of awesomeness."

Y/N smirked, her competitive spirit ignited. "Awesomeness, huh? Well, I guess I'll have to show you what true awesomeness looks like when I win this match."

Sasuke crossed his arms, a feigned nonchalant expression on his face. "Well, let's just say I don't want you tarnishing our team's reputation. I can't have you losing to Shingen and sulking about it for weeks."

Y/N chuckled, not missing a beat. "Don't worry, Sasuke. I won't let you down. After all, someone needs to keep you on your toes and remind you who the real prodigy is."

Sasuke's playful facade cracked for a moment, a hint of a smile escaping. "Alright, Y/N. Just promise me you'll be careful out there. I don't want to see you getting hurt."

A faint smile tugged at the corner of his lips, a fleeting expression that spoke volumes about his underlying care for Y/N. His concern for her safety was something he couldn't easily mask, especially when they were engaged in such a lighthearted exchange.

Y/N's expression softened, her playful tone giving way to sincerity. "I appreciate your concern, Sasuke. But trust me, I've got this. I'll make sure to give Shingen a run for his money."

"Hn, you better."


Sasuke, Kakashi, Naruto, and Shikamaru made their way back, the group forming a rather diverse collection of personalities. Naruto's chatter filled the air, his animated storytelling captivating everyone's attention. Shikamaru, on the other hand, strolled with his hands in his pockets, his half-lidded gaze suggesting a half-hearted interest in Naruto's words.

Sasuke, however, walked in relative silence, his thoughts preoccupied with Y/N's upcoming match. His concern was palpable, casting a subtle shadow over his typically composed demeanor. While Naruto's voice continued to regale the group, Sasuke's mind remained tethered to the arena where Y/N and Shingen stood.

Kakashi glanced at Sasuke, his single visible eye catching the furrowed brow and the tense lines etched across Sasuke's forehead. Kakashi's keen observation skills rarely missed anything, and he could sense the undercurrent of worry emanating from the Uchiha.

"Sasuke," Kakashi's voice was measured, his tone inviting Sasuke's attention. "You're thinking about Y/N, aren't you?"

Sasuke's gaze remained focused on the path ahead, but he didn't attempt to deny it. "No... hn, yeah" he admitted quietly. "I can't shake off the feeling that something's not right."

Kakashi nodded, his visible eye crinkling with understanding. "It's natural to be concerned for a teammate, especially in a situation like this. But Y/N is strong, Sasuke. She's proven that time and again."

Kakashi's expression concealed his deeper awareness of the situation's intricacies. He was well-informed about Shingen's allegiance to Yatsuragi's faction, and he had taken appropriate measures to station ANBU operatives for any unforeseen developments. The shadow of Orochimaru's looming presence had further heightened his vigilance.

Sasuke's jaw tightened, a conflicted expression crossing his features. "I know she's strong, Kakashi. But this match – it feels, it's different, unsettling. I can't ignore the feeling that she might be in danger."

Naruto noticed a subtle change in Sasuke's demeanor as Y/N prepared for her battle. His usually stoic friend seemed a bit more tense, his eyes following Y/N's every move. A mischievous grin spread across Naruto's face as he nudged Sasuke with his elbow.

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