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synopsis: Green Goblin has Miles choose between you and Gwen

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synopsis: Green Goblin has Miles choose between you and Gwen.
warnings: Angst, cheating, cursing, breakup, some blood, violence, classic "me or her?" trope with higher stakes, cliffhanger, no happy ending tbh
wc: 2k

‼️Recommend listening to music with this one‼️

A/N! I'm sorry for this one, I just had the urge to write angst after so much fluff.


"Choose Spiderman, your girlfriend, or her." Green Goblin said, both you and Gwen dangling from a wire as tears welled up in your eyes. You'd seen you and your boyfriend begin to drift apart, his attitude snappy, his conversations with you shorter, his interest clearly beginning to fade. But what you hadn't expected was that someone else was responsible for his behavior, you never expected that someone would drive such a wedge in your relationship—until you saw it for yourself. You and Miles were at his house, watching a movie while his attention was elsewhere, "Hold on babe, I'll be right back." he said, getting up and going to the bathroom. Your eyes darting to his unlocked phone next to you, you weren't going to check it. Not until you heard a "Ding!" come from his phone, your gut telling you to check the notification, and your heart breaking when you saw it.

Gwen💗: Babe, are we still going out on Friday? ꜱᴇɴᴛ. 1 ᴍɪɴ ᴀɢᴏ

"That liar." You thought, Miles had told you he was going somewhere with his dad on Friday. Never did he ever mention a Gwen to you, and it hurt. She called your boyfriend of almost a year Babe. The contact picture was a picture of them kissing, the same way he used to kiss you. A choked-out sob made its way out of your throat, the fact Miles had betrayed you in such a way sinking in as you put the phone down. You were always in denial of your straining relationship, but this, this was the tipping point. You couldn't ignore it any longer, you had to do something about it. "Hey, what did I miss out on?" He asked, sitting down next to you, suddenly noticing your distressed expression. "Y/N, what's wrong?" He cupped your cheek looking at you with worry, "Get off of me." You spat, pushing his hand off of you, you couldn't stand the feeling of his touch. "What's wrong?" He asked again, looking up at you as tears threatened to spill from your eyes. "What's wrong? What's wrong?!" You yelled, your anger bubbling up as Miles looked at you dumbfounded. "This is what's wrong!" You screamed, throwing his phone at his face. "You're cheating on me?! After all I've done for you?—for us?" Sobs started to fill the room as you watched him look at his phone, wide-eyed at the fact he'd been caught. "I-I didn't mean for you to find this.." he muttered, looking up at you, panic filling his eyes. "You didn't mean it? oh great, well guess what Miles? I found it." You cried, getting up at staring at him. "I can't do this anymore Miles, and it looks like you already found a replacement," you said, leaving his room and slamming the door shut. Leaving Miles alternating between staring at his phone and the door, he'd let you leave, and he did so without a fight. He's always loved you, but he let himself love someone else.

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