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Synopsis: E42! Miles pushing you away after his father's deathwarnings: angst, mentions of death, language, break-up, unresolved conflictwc:1kA/N: this one shot was HEAVILY based on made it this far by Carti

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Synopsis: E42! Miles pushing you away after his father's death
warnings: angst, mentions of death, language, break-up, unresolved conflict
A/N: this one shot was HEAVILY based on made it this far by Carti


How am I gonna get through this? Was all Miles thought when he got the heartbreaking news of his father's death, what about his mom? what about him? How would they handle the expenses that came with it? His mom couldn't take up any more shifts, and he sure as hell wouldn't be able to contribute as much as he wanted to, at least if he wanted to be able to help. Miles would spend countless hours pacing, stuck in a cycle of grief and anxiety that he couldn't get out of.
That was until Uncle Aaron came to Miles with a convincing job proposition; "Work for Kingpin? Hell nah, you're crazy" Miles told his uncle, "At least hear me out. With this job, you'll make enough money to support yourself, and your mom, and even have some money left over." he said, quickly adding; "I know you wanna help your mom out Miles, this is how you can do it,—She doesn't even need to know!" Aaron said, as Miles silently thought. "So what type of job is it?"

A Supervillain?! Really? Miles never thought he'd stoop this low, his dad had always disapproved of the crime in Brooklyn. and to think that he was only adding to it disgusted Miles to his core. But he was willing to do whatever it took to for him to be ok, even if it meant betraying his morals. As time went on, Miles decided to take up the pseudonym of the Prowler, his job was violent. He did the dirty work so Kingpin wouldn't have to get his hands dirty, and it felt good. To have wealth and power, even if it was limited to when he had his mask on; being able to support and spoil you and his mom. The very people he cared for the most almost made the job nice to Miles, that was until his facade began to crack around you.
Miles had begun to buy you lavish gifts one after the other, and it began to worry you. Where is he getting this money from? you'd ask yourself, it was eating you up inside not to speak up about your suspicions, so you finally decided to confront Miles. "Miles, we need to talk." you told him one day as you two cuddled in his bed. "yeah? what's wrong ma?" he replied, quickly shifting his weight to look at you; "be honest with me, how are you getting this money," you asked, "What? you think I can't get money anymore?!" Miles said in a defensive tone. "it's not that, it's just that this new money has popped up out of nowhere.." you sighed, "Fine you got me, I got a side gig going on." He told you, "What's the side gig?" "I'm the prowler." he confessed looking at you, "nononono, Miles you're joking," you said in utter disbelief, "I'm not, baby, there's nothing wrong with this job! it keeps us afloat and lets me spoil you—" "Miles you can't, what about your dad? Would he approve of this?" you spat. That stung, not only because it was the truth, but because both you and Miles knew it. And that just sent Miles over the edge. "That's beside the point Y/N." He yelled. "It's wrong!" you yelled back, "Nah, you know what would be wrong? if I didn't do anything at all to help my family!" He yelled, "You think I'm doing this for fun?" he sucked his teeth shaking his head. "I've been on my own, I been all alone. And I've handled just fine by being the Prowler." Miles said, trying to reason with you. "look, I can't bear to be with someone who's fine with others suffering." you said, silently hoping he'd realize his errors and come back to his senses. "Alright, then maybe we shouldn't be together," He said, getting up "What?" you asked, feeling confused; no way he was being serious. "you fucking heard me, It's not like I fucking need you anyways," he told you. "get out Y/n," he said, pointing to the door. In disbelief you quickly got up and looked at him one more time, opening your mouth to speak. "me das asco (you disgust me)" you said, finally deciding to leave his house for good. Miles stood there for a while after you left, anger and regret quickly washing over him. What the fuck did he just do? He let his anger get the best of him, he fucked up big time and he knew it. And with his only possible comfort being to tell himself that he got himself up on his feet. He punched the wall leaving a hole; so much for providing for Y/n. He thought as he got a message from Uncle Aaron, it seemed like he had some work to do. And With a quick check on his sleeping mother, Miles grabbed his costume and headed for his and his Uncles meetup spot.

After the breakup between you and Miles, you'd notice that Miles began to show up less and less to school, rarely ever participating—practically becoming invisible. after school, he was MIA, he was off the grid except for the couple of times you'd be able to spot him passing by. While you didn't know this, Miles would constantly check up on you while he was out as the Prowler, he wanted to ensure your safety. Even if you didn't want anything to do with him.

Look, mama, now your son is a star.
he laughed to himself as he stood watching over Brooklyn.  Even if it wasn't the star he envisioned himself being, he was a star nonetheless. And no matter how much it ached him, he still did it because Miles G. Morales is someone who cares, even if it leads him to do irrational things. Things that he wouldn't do unless backed into a wall, but that's his harsh reality, and that reality had changed him.

A/N! this wasn't proofread srry, also idk i feel like this one might be too similar to another oneshot i made😭 this writers block is killing me

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