ᴅᴀɴɢᴇʀ (oneshot)

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Synopsis: when Miles became Spider-Man, he never thought it'd mean having to see you in danger

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Synopsis: when Miles became Spider-Man, he never thought it'd mean having to see you in danger.

Word count:804
Not really proofread

Miles never felt like this, he never had that sense of impending doom that was about to wreak havoc into his life—well not until today that is. He couldn't shake it off, and in one irrational decision he decided to go to your house to shut down his thoughts once and for all. "SHIT!" Miles yelled into your empty room that he tore apart while looking for you. "Y/n where are you..." He said in desperation pulling his mask off, quickly checking his phone..

mi tesoro ♥︎
I'm going to the gas station, I'll catch you later!

Ok amor, be safe

It'd been 15 minutes since y/n read his message and Miles began to worry. "She can't be taking that long" he said as his spidey-sense tingled. He had to go to that gas station immediately . On his way, Miles couldn't help but imagine scenario after scenario that something happened to you or worse; that you were in danger. But finally after swinging around for a bit he finally made it to the gas station, and what he saw terrified Miles; you being held at gunpoint as a hostage was not something he ever wanted to see in a million years, it couldn't be, his beloved girlfriend y/n being in danger was a sight that punched him in the gut. He had to act, and quick.

with the quick shot of a web, the gun was quickly off the man's hand. "Que tenemos aquí?"* Miles said, glaring at the man who threatened his beloved, "you know, crime is a serious offense right? That stuff can land you in jail." Miles joked, trying to lighten the mood. (And maybe draw attention away from his old remark) With him sporting a big smile when u silently laughed at his antics, "aye spiderman how about you mind your business?" The criminal scoffed as he pulled your h/c hair. And that just sent Miles over the edge, in a blind rage Miles tied the man up with his webs whilst he gave punch after punch. "Son of a bitch" Miles muttered under his breath, leaving you in shock when you saw the delinquent sporting a broken, bloody nose. Yet, quickly turning his attention to you "hey, you ok?" Miles asked, cupping your cheek.

"Yeah I've never been better" you sarcastically replied, earning a cute chuckle from the man in the spidersuit. "Spiderman, thank you". You huffed, pulling him into a hug. Miles practically melting into the hug, the fact you were safe just putting him at ease. "go for it!" His mind screamed at him, and y/n suddenly found her chin being lifted as Spiderman was practically rizzing her up. Miles leaned in to kiss his lover when— he was pushed away. "What? What's wrong?" Miles asked with worry, "Spiderman.."you laughed. "I have a boyfriend, I can't be kissing you!" Right, you didn't know yet. As Miles internally scolded himself, he took the rejection nicely which ended up with him offering to take you home. Which you (of course) agreed to, "Well be safe now" Miles said as he dropped you off, "I sure will! Thank you again" you replied closing the door.

Babe I love you so much.

mi tesoro ♥︎
Yo también amor, but why so sudden?
did something happen?

Nah, can i come over though?

mi tesoro ♥︎
Ofc u dont have to ask

And with a swift knock at your window the man himself arrived. "Miles!" You screamed, throwing yourself onto him "cariño, ay cuanto te extrañe" He said, leaning into your touch. "i thought I lost you.." he confessed as he ran his fingers through your hair, "what do you mean?" You chuckled "the gas station" Miles said, seriousness lacing his tone. "It's fine, Spiderman saved me" You said, absolutely gushing about the hero. "Wait..How did you—" "That's besides the point N/N" Miles said cutting you off, then he leaned in kissing you. The kisses between you and Miles were usually tame, they were soft and passionate. But this kiss was not like those, this kiss was hungry—almost electrifying—Miles kissed you as if it was his last time, like if he ever pulled away you might just be gone. And when he did pull away he dragged you off to cuddle "Miles! You're being so cute!!" You said as you peppered his face with kisses "I love you so much Y/n" Miles sighed as he admired your beautiful features. "I know." You giggled, "I love you too mi vida".... "Miles.." "Yeah Ma?" "Why was my room such a mess?" "Baby go to sleep" Miles said hugging you.

tyty for reading this! Plz tell me if u liked it or want more bc I will definitely write more if y'all want 😽

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