There whispers was loud to me,the fact that they could barely sit still in their seats pissed me off and Satoru even allowed her to pinch him,touch him.It all irked me and it was enough for me to jump from my seat and head toward him.I stepped behind him,leaned over and through gritted teeth,I spoke. "I need to talk to you now."

He didn't respond and I didn't stay to hear it even if he wanted to.I made my way out of the conference room and walked down the hallway,slowly pacing.He never called to say he landed,never messaged to say he was on his way and none of those assholes had the decency to inform me that he was back.

I can admit I was late but still.

"Someone's mad," he cooed and just as I turned around,my fist met his face.I felt my knuckles crack against his skin,the sound echoing throughout the quiet hallway as his head snapped to the side.He laughed,his large hand cupping his cheek as he shook his head. "Baby you know I saw that coming right?"

I kicked his knee just as he fell to his feet.Satoru kept laughing but I was pissed.I grabbed him by the hair,his blindfold slowly loosening as his smile grew bigger.Satoru had slight blood dripping from the cut in his lip,his cheek had a reddish hue and his blindfold slowly slipped from his face. "I saw that coming too."

"Do you think this is funny!" I whisper yelled,glaring at his exotic blue eyes as he stared up at me.

"Alittle bit yeah," he wiped his nose but my grip on his hair tightened.I made sure he was looking at me as I loomed over. "This is nice but you should let me go sugarplum."

"I waited for you," I hid the tremble in my voice and even so,my glare turned darker. "Why the fuck didn't you call me?"

"I'm sorry plum," his hand wrapped around my wrist. "I got caught up in all of this."

"Yuji is dead!" my chest burnt with fury.Fury because I wasn't important enough for him to call no matter how worried I was,fury because he let my student die,fury because I couldn't trust him as much as I thought I could. "He was our student,why weren't you more responsible!"

"[First Name]-" I cut him off before he could go any further.

"I trusted you Satoru and you broke that and now you couldn't even look at me back there!" my hand loosened from his hair and I let him go,watching him fall to his butt.I turned around,arms crossing over my chest as emotion overcame me.I was worried about him,the only person I had after Geto walked out on us.Sukuna was strong and he could hurt Satoru really badly so the chances of him never coming back wouldn't been high and no matter how much confidence he had,when it came to Sukuna,I could get pretty worried because things could get really messy.

He never called and when he did,he never said anything.

He never texted to let me know he was okay.

He could've relayed a message through Ijichi but he didn't do that either.

I had the right to be upset.

I felt his arms circle my waist and pull me into his chest.His chin leaned onto my head as he squeezed me,his oceanic yet exotic scent filled my nose.It was a fresh breath of air and for a second,I let my gaurd down,for a second I sunk into him and for a second I almost forgave him. "I missed you," his voice was deep and silky,rung my ears with relief just to hear his voice again.

I didn't say anything.

"Yuji isn't dead," when those words left his mouth, my eyes shot open.Overwhelming emotions rushed through me and I tightened my arms around myself. "His fine and it all worked out as planned.In fact,he's partaking in the games right now."

I didn't want to cry.The two of them meant so much to me and if any of them had to leave,I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

My students always came first and we as Jujustu Sorcerers were responsible for them all.

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