Chapter 22: The Guardians of the Cave

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It slowly lifted and moved its titanic limbs, and the guardian golem trudged forward, lifting its massive, bladed arm to push away the rocks and boulders through swiveling its upper body. Steam exploded and plumed from its armor, and the guardian released a fire breath over Thor's head like a dragon. The Grootslang hissed and shrieked as the flames faded, and the snake leapt forward to meet Thor's flurry of claws and fangs.

While Rahim stayed away from the two snarling beasts, Selena focused on dodging the golem's slow but powerful swings, careful not to get close to its inflamed body. As soon as the titan threw another blow, Selena dodged as its bladed arm struck the ground, sparks flying from metal clattering against stone, and slashed Dragonheart at its torso; the clash of dragon bone steel on metal rang in the air. The golem staggered back but regained its balance as Selena repeated her maneuver, waning its steamed vigor.

Concurrently, Thor resisted the urge to aid Selena's fight as he avoided the Grootslang's massive fangs soaked and gleaming with venom. The colossal snake swung its long, sword-sharp tail that could slice through Thor's blood-diamond hide. He anticipated each strike and batted the snake's head and tail away before delivering deadly blows with his claws. However, the Grootslang paused when it couldn't break through his defenses, and its slit eyes fixated on Selena as the mechanical colossus knocked her away. She slid across the ground on her back, Dragonheart flying from her grasp; the giant snake suddenly changed targets and pursued her instead.

Before Selena could prepare for the snake's incoming strikes, Thor reared up, wings extended, and as he unleashed a mighty roar, a myriad of massive rock spears manifested above him and shot straight for the Grootslang. The snake screeched and writhed with pain as the earth shards pierced and penetrated its body and soon fell limp upon the sharp stone stakes, its black blood pouring and dripping to the ground.

Yet, the metal guardian behemoth breathed fire for the Grootslang's loss and stomped towards Thor in retaliation. Selena jumped to her feet and snatched Dragonheart, but Thor stood in front; maw opened wide, he unleashed a deadly torrential diamond storm of ice and frost that extinguished the titan's flames and crusted over its heated armor. Thor stepped forward, still holding his crystallized breath, and the golem eventually succumbed to the dragon's icy stream. Steam spewed from its limbs and head, and the guardian stumbled backward, collapsing in a clunk of metal before shutting off.

Only after ensuring the two creatures were dead did Rahim finally emerge from his hiding place and begin praising the two. Thor licked away the icicles sticking to his teeth and gums, but he snorted and held his head high. However, his pride diminished when Selena rubbed her back and arms; minor bruising and scrapes, but she reassured him and Rahim, "They're nothing serious."

Rahim quivered upon looking at the Grootslang's impaled body. "I'm afraid to know what else is in here."

After reassessing their slight injuries, the trio resumed through the crumbled wall that hid the mechanical titan, discovering a new hidden passageway that went deeper inside the ruin. Selena and Rahim jumped across the scattered rocks and boulders, but once the two cleared the way, Thor squeezed his entire body through the opening, making it bigger and nearly causing a cave-in. Yet, the ceiling held, and Thor successfully made it through.

Selena looked back at the inanimate colossus and shuddered upon its elaborate construction, possibly the peak and highlight of dwarven technology before the ravages of time. I bet you all I have the dwarves set up these traps and creatures to protect Ragnarok and their starlight reading device.

Thor only growled as he focused his slitted eyes down the darkened, twisted corridor. The three passed by broken metal pieces with scattered gem shards littering the ground; ahead was a locked room filled with discarded ore and ingots—a mixture of gold and silver bullions—behind a thick, steel gate. Thor briefly paused, inspected the hidden and secured treasures, and began pawing at the gate, sticking his muzzle through the wide bars. Selena's redirection failed; growing impatient from the gate's resilience, Thor backed up and charged forward with his horns aimed at the lock. Unable to withstand his might, the gate bent and buckled as he tumbled through, and Thor swept it away as Selena and Rahim cautiously peered inside.

The Necromancer's Dragonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें